False myths, curiosities and experience with braces

Before starting orthodontics, it is logical to have doubts, especially when there are false myths that you can read on the Internet.

Since there are many unknowns surrounding these treatments, we are going to clarify what the experience with braces is like.

In addition, we debunk some hoaxes that may be contradictory and create even more questions for you.

Do braces hurt?
This is the most frequently asked question among our patients.

Some people think that they will feel pain throughout the treatment, but this is not true.

At the time of braces placement, the patient does not feel any discomfort.

However, it is necessary to go through a period of adaptation that usually ranges from 2 to 7 days, depending on each person.

During these days, it is normal to feel pressure on the teeth and pain when chewing hard foods, such as a snack.

Orthodontics pulls on the teeth to bring them into their correct position, so it is completely normal to have to get used to it.

Keep in mind that braces are a foreign body in the mouth and, at first, they may rub against the inside of your cheeks.

If this happens and small sores appear, it is best to use orthodontic wax to avoid this discomfort.

In the case of lingual orthodontics -that which is placed on the inner side of the teeth- the rubbing occurs especially on the tongue.

Lingual orthodontics
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Will braces affect my image during treatment?
The concern for an esthetic smile has had a great boom in recent years.

So much so, that the demands are also transferred to the orthodontic treatment itself.

In fact, adults who begin this process rarely opt for metal or sapphire brackets.

This system is especially used for children and adolescents, as they are cheaper and do not give so much importance to their image.

To ensure that the treatment has as little impact as possible on the esthetics of the smile, other devices known as invisible orthodontics have been developed over the years.

After fitting the braces, you will need a period of adaptation, but with them you will be able to lead a completely normal life.

Lingual braces
This is the only totally invisible method, as it is placed on the lingual (inner) side of the teeth.

This makes the orthodontics unnoticeable to other people, so it is the ideal option for patients who do not want you to know they are wearing braces.

Sapphire braces
These braces are made with sapphire microcrystals, a transparent and translucent material.

It maintains its esthetics throughout the treatment, so it does not stain or stain with the ingestion of foods with high coloration.

Sapphire brackets
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On the other hand, some people report a change in their face due to orthodontics.

This is especially evident in people with severe malocclusion.

Since the purpose of orthodontics is to modify tooth structure and sometimes bone structure as well, it is perfectly normal to notice a change in the face.

Do braces make speech difficult?
Undergoing orthodontic treatment involves the presence of a foreign object in the mouth.

For this reason, it is true that you may initially experience certain difficulties in speaking properly.

As we said before, any orthodontic procedure requires a period of adaptation during which the patient gets used to chewing, biting and pronouncing properly.

After the second day, the discomfort will subside and it will be much easier for you to return to your normal life.

However, bear in mind that adaptation to lingual braces takes longer and lasts from 2 to 3 weeks.

Choose a discreet system
If you do not want orthodontics to affect your image, lingual braces are the ideal option.

How much slimming is done with braces?
Continuing with the previous explanation, you may find it more difficult to chew hard foods for the first few days.

To lessen the discomfort, you can eat a soft diet that does not require so much effort to bite and crush.

Although it is true that there are certain foods that should be avoided throughout the treatment (nuts, sticky foods, chewing gum…) you can continue with your usual diet.

Therefore, orthodontics does not go hand in hand with weight loss.

Even so, there are people who unconsciously begin to substitute unhealthy foods for others that are better for their health.

In addition, given the need for extreme daily hygiene, there are those who avoid snacking between meals.

For all these reasons, a person’s eating habits are modified, but the braces themselves do not cause weight loss.

Orthodontics with braces lasts a long time
The duration of orthodontic treatment depends on the patient’s occlusion problems.

Mild malocclusions can be solved in 12 months, while a very severe malocclusion may require 36 months.

The truth is that the average is 18 months, but the duration should be determined by an orthodontist after a diagnosis and planning.

Our recommendation is that you should not become obsessed with the duration of your treatment.

Once completed, the results and the many benefits to your oral health will last a lifetime.

In addition, aligned teeth not only improve your image, but also prevent wear and tear and facilitate oral hygiene at home.

However, so that you can always enjoy your new smile, it is essential to respect the retention phase.

This consists of wearing two retainers – one fixed and one removable – that do not interfere at all with your daily life.

In this way, you will prevent your teeth from returning to their pre-orthodontic position.

Will braces damage my teeth?
This hoax is one of the most widespread, although it is completely false.

No orthodontic system damages or weakens teeth.

Having an appliance in your mouth makes it difficult to some extent to clean your mouth at home, because food debris gets trapped in the metal part.

This is why it is necessary to maintain a very thorough hygiene routine and not limit yourself to toothbrushing.

To avoid tartar build-up and the appearance of cavities, it is advisable to use interproximal brushes, a dental irrigator and dental floss.

Remember to always go for check-ups with your dentist so that he/she can check the good condition of your teeth and gums.

Metal braces
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Orthodontic treatments with brackets are very expensive.
Faced with this statement you must ask yourself, what is expensive or cheap?

We have already said that orthodontics has countless benefits for your oral and general health.

Therefore, it is an investment for your well-being in terms of aesthetic and functional level.

In addition, there are different treatment options and the price of each varies greatly.

Choosing one method or another depends on two factors:

The price

The aesthetics of the treatment

For example, if you want an inexpensive treatment, the most recommended orthodontics is based on metal brackets.

However, for patients who attach great importance to their image and the price is relegated to second place, the best option is lingual orthodontics.

At DrAW Dental Clinic we offer you a complete estimate that includes all the necessary concepts to achieve optimal teeth.

In addition, we offer you payment facilities so that you can finance your treatment without commissions or interest.

Financing of 100% of the treatment in 6 and 12 months without interest or commissions.
Financing of 100% of the treatment in 18 months without interests with 1% of opening commission.
Financing of 100% of the treatment in 24 months without interest with 2% opening commission.
Financing of 100% of the treatment in 36 months without interest with 3% of opening fee
Financing of 100% of the treatment in 48 or 60 months with 1% opening commission and shared interest.
Discounts for early payment
If you would like to know more details about your orthodontics, we recommend a free first visit.

Our orthodontists will evaluate your case to tell you the duration of your treatment.

Depending on which appliance you choose, we will inform you of the price of your orthodontics.

You can contact our clinic by calling +1 619 372 5409 🇺🇸 +52 664 590 8321 🇲🇽  or through the contact form.

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