Xylitol and dental health: can tooth decay be prevented with a sweetener?

Dental caries are one of the most common conditions in the general population.

If not treated in time, they can seriously affect tooth structure and compromise the stability of the teeth.

Although the origin of caries is multifactorial, the truth is that a diet with a high sugar content favors its appearance.

As an alternative to sugar, today we would like to talk about xylitol, a sweetener that aims to be a substitute.

But where does xylitol come from and what benefits can it have on your dental health?


Differentiate natural sugar from processed sugar

Sugar is a substance that is found naturally among the components of many foods recommended for maintaining a varied diet.

An example of this are fruits and vegetables that are, in turn, rich in proteins and vitamins.

On the other hand, we must be careful and avoid as much as possible the intake of sugar found in processed foods.

We are talking about soft drinks, chocolate, jelly beans, concentrated juices or precooked dishes, among others, all of which are harmful to our health and organism.

Foods high in processed sugar
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A diet based on this type of food, with a high content of processed sugar, is associated with diseases such as diabetes, obesity or heart problems.

Not only that, but it also has serious consequences for dental health.

The harm of sugar for your oral health

Regular sugar consumption combined with poor oral hygiene routines is considered the main cause of tooth decay.

If we do not efficiently eliminate the bacterial plaque that accumulates in the mouth, these carious lesions begin to appear.

As a consequence, tooth enamel is damaged and deteriorates.

The accumulations of bacteria are called cariogenic plaque, which metabolize the sugars in food and release acids that attack our teeth.

Therefore, sugar makes the oral cavity an acidic environment prone to the accumulation of bacterial plaque.

Specialists stress the importance of reducing the levels of this component in our diet as much as possible.

In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that sugar should not account for more than 10% of daily calories, both in adults and in young children.

Xylitol acts as an adjuvant to protect the mouth from carious lesions, but should not replace daily hygiene routines.

What is xylitol?

Xylitol is a polyol -sugar alcohol- that is extracted from certain vegetables or plants such as birch bark or xylan, a plant fiber.

It is also found naturally in small doses in some fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries, strawberries or cauliflower.

It is a sweetener with a taste very similar to sugar and is used as a sugar substitute.

The difference between the two is that xylitol, on the other hand, is not as harmful to dental health.

However, keep in mind that this product should not be abused or become a frequent source of food.

Also, remember that a healthy mouth requires daily dental hygiene after every meal.

Xylitol is a complement to daily hygiene.
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Xylitol and dental caries according to scientific studies

Xylitol began to be used in medicine in the 1960s.

Above all, in post-surgical therapies in patients with burns and incorporating it into the diet of people with diabetes, since its glycemic index is 7.

But in this article we want to highlight its anticaries action.

A study published by the American Dental Association (ADA) analyzed the effects of xylitol in the human mouth, concluding that its use is beneficial for it.

Since it breaks down in a different way than sugar, helping to keep the pH of the oral cavity neutral.

Thus, it prevents tooth wear and bacterial reproduction.

In addition to the ADA, the California Dental Society also agrees that xylitol is capable of slowing the onset of tooth decay.

The key is that the bacteria that cause tooth decay are not able to feed on xylitol to grow and thrive.

Eat a balanced diet:
Maintaining a varied diet based on healthy foods helps maintain proper oral health.

Other advantages for our dental health

  • Sweetened products help us to secrete higher levels of saliva. The more moist our mouth is, the more we can regulate the pH, control the amount of acids and protect teeth from demineralization.
  • In addition, by slowing down the adherence of bacteria to our teeth and gums, it also prevents periodontal diseases – gingivitis and periodontitis.
  • Xylitol consumption prevents the incidence of oral candidiasis, a condition caused by the Candida fungus, present in the oral flora.

A study published in The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice demonstrated how the antifungal properties of xylitol are able to curb the disease.

Generally, candidiasis is controlled by the body’s own action, so it usually affects people with a weakened immune system.

How can I take xylitol?

It is common to find xylitol in the form of candy or chewing gum, although there are also certain products, such as industrial pastries or ice cream, that contain a certain amount of xylitol in their components.

Products with xylitol
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Used as a sweetener, it does not affect insulin levels and slightly affects blood sugar levels.

Therefore, always in controlled amounts, its intake is suitable for diabetics, celiac and lactose intolerant people.

But we can also find xylitol in products designed for daily dental hygiene, such as anticaries toothpastes and mouthwashes.

In addition to its use in dentistry, xylitol is used as a component in other medicines such as cough drops or vitamin supplements.

Contraindications of xylitol

Although, as we have mentioned above, xylitol has multiple benefits for dental health, its consumption also has certain contraindications.

It is advisable to take it in moderation, because in large doses, it has a laxative effect on people and is associated with increased gas and gastric discomfort.

Our recommendation is that you should not ingest more than 30 to 35 grams of xylitol daily.


So, taking xylitol will keep my mouth cavity free?

Xylitol is a substance that helps prevent cavities from forming, but its action alone is not enough.

If you want to enjoy a complete oral health and keep your teeth free of cavities, you should respect the following guidelines:

  • Brush your teeth after every meal to remove bacteria and food debris present in your mouth.
  • Change your toothbrush when you notice that the bristles are worn -about every 3 months-.
  • Complete your dental hygiene with the use of dental floss, interproximal brushes or oral irrigators to avoid the accumulation of tartar in areas that are difficult for the toothbrush to reach.
  • Maintain a balanced diet and do not abuse foods rich in sugars.
  • Drink plenty of water to maintain optimal saliva secretion levels.
  • And finally, go for check-ups with your dentist to check the good condition of your teeth and gums.

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Bibliographic references

At DrAW Clinic we are guided by editorial guidelines that ensure the veracity of all the information we publish. If you would like to learn more about how we ensure that our content is up-to-date and properly supported, we encourage you to read our editorial commitment.

World Health Organization. (2015). Sugars intake for adults and children. Guideline. (https://www.who.int/nutrition/publications/guidelines/sugars_intake/en/)

American Dental Association. (2008). Nutrition Recommendations and Interventions for Diabetes. Diabetes Care, Jan; 31(Supplement 1): S61-S78. (https://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/31/Supplement_1/S61)

California Dental Association. (2017). Xylitol The Decay-Preventive Sweetener. (https://www.cda.org/Portals/0/pdfs/fact_sheets/xylitol_english.pdf)

Talattof Z, Azad A, Zahed M, Shahradnia N. (2018). Antifungal Activity of Xylitol against Candida albicans: An in vitro Study. The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice. Feb 1;19 (2):125-129. (https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/4c8c/737c79282f80e2759a191987e0722b238910.pdf)


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