Oral Diseases: The Most Common and How to Prevent them

There are a wide variety of problems and conditions that can affect the health of our teeth and gums.

Although, obviously, not everyone is going to suffer from them, it is true that there are certain oral diseases that are more common than others.

For this reason, they have a high prevalence among the population and are more likely than others to develop at some point in our lives.

If you want to know which dental diseases we are referring to and how you can treat them, do not miss this article.

There are a wide variety of problems and conditions that can affect the health of our teeth and gums.
Dental caries
Tooth decay is not only the most common oral pathology, it is also the second most common disease in Spain, behind only the common cold.

It is estimated that tooth decay affects 90% of the world’s population, so it is not surprising that you have already suffered from it at some point.

Cavities are lesions caused by the corrosive action of oral bacteria, which destroy tooth tissues.

They can develop at any age, from the moment the first milk teeth begin to erupt.

Their appearance is directly related to oral hygiene, so the most effective way to prevent caries is to maintain adequate daily cleaning routines.

Although there are some people who are more genetically predisposed to caries, this is a factor that has a lesser influence.

The most common oral diseases include caries, gingivitis, bad breath and sores, among others.

Dental filling to eliminate cavities
The treatment to cure caries is very simple and involves a filling or obturation.

This is a procedure that consists of cleaning the cavity of the tooth where the cavity is, and then filling it with a material called composite.

This substance imitates very closely the exact shade of the tooth, so even if it is done on the front teeth, it does not affect the aesthetics of the smile.

It is important to treat caries as soon as we notice the first symptoms, which normally translate into pain or discomfort in the tooth and intense sensitivity.

If we do not act quickly, the caries will continue to destroy the dental layers and will require a more complex intervention than a filling: an endodontic or root canal treatment.

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Whatever the procedure, the intervention of a dentist is essential, as caries is the leading cause of premature tooth loss in young people.

Most common oral disease
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Among oral diseases, gingivitis is the most prevalent in Spain, affecting 59.8% of the population.

But, in addition, gum care seems to be a persistent problem, as only 14.8% of adults between 35 and 44 years of age have healthy gums.

As in the case of caries, hygiene plays a fundamental role in the appearance of this pathology.

Gingivitis is one of the so-called periodontal diseases and is the initial stage.

It is characterized by inflammation and redness of the gums caused by bacteria that develop due to the accumulation of plaque and tartar.

The symptoms caused by this disease are, therefore, very clear, being the bleeding that appears during brushing the first sign of alarm.

If this is your case, we recommend that you visit a trusted dental clinic as soon as possible to prevent gingivitis from progressing further.

Since it is the first stage, it is possible to reverse its negative effects.

Professional dental prophylaxis
To treat gingivitis, as long as it is not too developed, you can resort to professional dental hygiene.

The prophylaxis that we offer at DrAW Dental Clinic is more exhaustive if we compare it with that offered by other clinics.

Not only does it last for 50 minutes, but we use more advanced techniques to ensure a complete cleaning: ultrasound tip and aeropulator, among others.

In addition to this treatment, it is possible to stop gingivitis by extreme hygiene at home.

Do not be alarmed
Although certain symptoms can be associated with serious diseases, such as cancer, it does not have to be so. So, get out of doubt by going to your trusted clinic.

When gingivitis is not treated in time, bacteria begin to affect the bone, causing the second phase of the disease: periodontitis or pyorrhea.

The prevalence of this pathology also affects part of the Spanish population, specifically 25.4%.

But this disease is accentuated with age, and the percentage of healthy gums in people over 65 years of age is only 10.3%.

The rest have periodontal disease: 51.6% have gingivitis and 38% have periodontitis, a much more serious oral disease.

This is because it affects the bone, i.e. the support of the tooth.

As a result, various warning signs may appear, such as bad breath, gum recession, the appearance of pockets or mobility of teeth….

All this will lead to irreversible consequences: the loss of the tooth.

Periodontal treatment
But don’t be alarmed: pyorrhea can also be treated.

However, this is a more complicated procedure because it requires measurements to check the depth of tartar build-up, as well as a series of other dental tests.

Once the periodontist knows the extent of the calculus, a dental curettage is performed to clean the entire subgingival area.

He can then take a sample of the bacteria and carry out a microbiological study in order to prescribe an effective antibiotic.

Gingivitis and periodontitis
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Halitosis or bad breath
Another of the most common diseases of the mouth and tongue is bad breath, which translates into a set of unpleasant odors coming from the oral cavity.

Although there are two types of halitosis – oral and extraoral – its origin is found in the mouth itself in 90% of the cases.

In these cases, the unpleasant odor is mainly due to poor hygiene, smoking or periodontal diseases (gingivitis and periodontitis).

It is therefore essential to know how to clean the tongue properly, as well as the teeth and gums.

Identify the origin of halitosis
On the other hand, when halitosis is extraoral, it has its origin in systemic problems, such as those related to the digestive system or liver or kidney diseases.

Although at first glance bad breath may seem to be only a social problem for the sufferer, the truth is that it can be a clue to a more serious pathology.

Therefore, the way to treat bad breath depends on its cause.

If it is due to insufficient hygiene, it will be necessary to incorporate a tongue cleaner and other oral cleaning aids.

But if it is due to any of the diseases we have mentioned, it will be necessary to address them in order to put an end to bad breath.

Sores or canker sores
It is very likely that you have had mouth sores on more than one occasion, as it is one of the most common oral diseases.

These lesions are easily identifiable because they are round and white in color.

They are very annoying, although they do not present a major risk to our oral health.

They usually appear as a result of an object that rubs against the mucosa of the mouth – lip, inside of the cheeks or tongue – or because we have accidentally bitten ourselves.

Canker sores do not require treatment as such, as they remit by themselves after two or three days.

However, there are specific products available in pharmacies that accelerate their healing.

Cold sores
Although in appearance they may be very similar to cold sores, the main difference is that cold sores are contagious and caused by a virus.

In addition, even if it disappears, cold sores tend to reappear throughout our lives if we have ever suffered from them, as the virus does not disappear.

Treatment to alleviate symptoms
As with canker sores, cold sores do not require any treatment, but heal on their own.

Similarly, in pharmacies you can ask for a specific medication to accelerate its disappearance.

But keep in mind that these products only relieve the symptoms, but do not eradicate the virus.

In case you do not resort to any drug, herpes takes 10 to 15 days to disappear, as this is the natural process of the virus.

Herpes virus
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Mouth cancer
Oral cancer has an annual incidence in Spain of 6 to 13 cases per 100,000 men and 1 to 2 cases per 100,000 women, approximately.

Its symptoms can be caused by much less dangerous oral diseases, and sometimes they can coincide.

Even so, it is useful to know what the signs are so that we can be attentive:

Strange spots in the oral cavity: white, red or both.

Sores in the mouth or throat that do not heal.

Difficulty chewing or swallowing.

Mobility problems in the jaw and tongue.

Lumps in the face, neck, cheeks, jaw, gums or tongue.

Speech complication or change in speech.

Unexplained weight loss.

But remember that the most effective way to know if we have oral cancer or other oral pathology, is to consult in person with our doctor or dentist.

How to prevent oral problems?
Although it is not possible to control the appearance of these oral diseases, it is possible to prevent them to a great extent.

Although the genetic factor plays an important role, certain healthy habits help us to maintain good oral health.

Pay attention to your hygiene technique
Brush your teeth after every meal, dedicating a minimum time of 2 minutes.

Don’t forget to floss and rinse with mouthwash at least once a day.

The less bacterial plaque we allow to accumulate on our teeth and gums, the less likely we are to develop cavities or periodontal disease.

Do not smoke or, at least, reduce tobacco consumption.
Smoking is not only one of the worst habits for our general health, but it also causes significant damage to the mouth.

Tobacco stains teeth, turns them yellow and causes bad breath.

But, in the worst-case scenario, smoking is one of the most decisive risk factors for mouth cancer.

Eliminating this habit will help prevent the onset of mouth diseases.

Eating a healthy and balanced diet
Through a healthy diet it is possible to strengthen the teeth to provide them with the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

Including quality fruits, vegetables, fish and meats in the diet helps to maintain optimal oral health.

On the other hand, it is advisable to avoid as much as possible the consumption of sugars, acids and processed foods (precooked foods, industrial pastries, soft drinks…) that favor dental cavities.

Respect the check-ups scheduled by your dentist.
As previously mentioned, only a specialized dentist can give you a reliable diagnosis.

Therefore, it is crucial to visit a trusted clinic regularly, in order to prevent, detect and treat any of these oral diseases.

Although we can notice the symptoms at home, there are times when we cannot know 100% if it is really one or the other pathology.

This is because the symptoms can be very similar.

For this reason, and even if you do not have any apparent problem, remember to visit your dentist at least once a year.

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