Is it possible to fix a broken tooth?

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A broken molar can be very painful and even be the origin of a strong infection in the area that makes daily life difficult to cope with.

Although molars are very resistant pieces, sometimes they can fracture for various reasons.

One of the most common reasons is a tooth with extensive decay that is not being treated and, as a consequence, causes it to break.

If we detect a broken tooth, even a slight one, it is important to visit a dentist to check it and determine if it has suffered any internal damage.

There are different treatments that the specialist can carry out to solve this problem. We will tell you about them below.

Why does a molar break?
A broken tooth due to caries is a fairly common oral problem, although molars also break due to trauma, wear and tear or malocclusions.

Extensive dental caries
As we mentioned before, the most frequent reason why a molar is usually fractured is due to a carious lesion that has spread to its internal layers because it was not addressed in time.

Having a chipped and broken molar is really painful, not only because of the damage of the bacteria to the tooth itself, but also because when it breaks, the internal part is exposed.

Impacted and cracked molar
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When pathogens reach the pulp chamber -or nerve- it is common for an infection known as pulpitis to develop.

The pulp contains the nerve endings and blood vessels, so an infection in this area generates serious oral problems.

Blow or trauma to the mouth
Receiving an impact in the mouth can cause the breakage, generally, of the front teeth -incisors and fangs-.

However, if the trauma is in the lateral area, it may affect the molars.

These are the most resistant teeth in the oral cavity, as they are the main ones in charge of chewing and the ones that support the occlusal forces.

Therefore, it is not common to find a broken tooth at gum level, but only partially.

Thus, we may notice that the fractured tooth rubs against the tongue when we pass it over it.

Although the blow may seem insignificant because the tooth has not broken completely, it is important that a dentist assesses whether there is internal damage.

It is common for a broken tooth to be the result of dental caries that has not been treated early.

Dental attrition
Tooth decay is the loss of tooth enamel thickness due to various factors.

Among other consequences, such as increased sensitivity, we find a greater fragility of the pieces that see their tooth surface reduced.

When we talk about molar wear, there are two main reasons:

Occlusion problems.
People who have a malocclusion, that is, who do not bite properly because their teeth do not fit together as they should, end up developing dental wear.

Since the occlusal forces are not distributed correctly, there are molars that receive a greater impact from the teeth.

Over time, if the malocclusion is not treated, the molars wear down and become more fragile.

Continuing with the disadvantage of receiving more stress than normal, people who grind their teeth cause the molars to have excessive pressure.

Due to bruxism, it is relatively common to find cases of molars broken in half, as the constant pressure causes them to break.

Broken endodontic molar
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Treatments to fix a broken tooth
Generally, people who have this oral problem quickly go to their trusted dental clinic.

And, as we have explained, it is not normal to have a broken tooth without pain, since it often ends up affecting the pulp.

Depending on the severity of the fracture, the dentist will opt for one treatment or another in order to try to save the piece and avoid the extraction of the tooth.

Dental sealing
Actually, dental sealing is a preventive treatment against childhood caries.

It is performed in children who have not yet completed their dental replacement, that is to say, who do not have all their definitive teeth.

It consists of filling with a special material the characteristic grooves and fissures of the molars in those areas susceptible to develop dental caries.

Since these lesions, if not treated in time, cause serious problems and a greater risk of breakage, it is a very effective way to prevent their appearance.

Take care of your hygiene
Oral cleanliness is the basis of the health of your teeth and what will prevent the appearance of dental cavities.

Endodontics and reconstruction
Endodontics or root canal treatment is performed when the infection has reached the pulp of the tooth.

It consists of emptying this chamber and removing the blood vessels and then filling the cavity with a special material.

In order for the tooth to retain both its functional and esthetic appearance, a reconstruction is carried out.

However, in the case of molars, a different procedure, known as inlay, must be carried out.

This treatment consists of a partial restoration of its structure and is performed because these pieces need a larger tooth surface than, for example, an incisor.

Dental inlay
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Placement of a crown
If the tooth is badly damaged, the dentist may recommend the placement of a crown to reinforce it.

A crown is made of a very resistant material -porcelain or zirconium- that provides great esthetics to the molar.

In this way, the patient keeps his or her natural tooth and it will be secured by means of a fixed cap.

Before placing it, it is also necessary to perform a root canal treatment.

Extraction and dental implant
Removing a broken tooth is the last treatment to be resorted to, only when the other interventions have failed to cure the tooth.

Before this procedure, many patients ask us if it hurts to remove a broken tooth, but the truth is that it is always performed under the effects of local anesthesia.

After removing the tooth, it is advisable to place a dental implant so that the functionality of the bite is not lost.

However, it is not usual to place a dental prosthesis in case the wisdom tooth is removed.

Now that you know the disadvantages of having a broken tooth, do not hesitate and go quickly to your trusted dentist.

Once there, the dentist will assess the condition of your tooth to determine the most appropriate treatment to avoid having to extract it.

And don’t forget that caries prevention can only be achieved with proper hygiene routines at home and frequent visits to the specialist.

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