When is a tooth extraction performed?

Molar Extraction - Tooth Extraction


Molar tooth extraction is a surgical operation that is performed only in cases of necessity.

It is the dentist who, after examining the state of health of the mouth, must determine whether or not it is necessary to perform an exodontia.

All dental treatments are aimed at preserving the totality of the real teeth, but when this is not possible due to different factors, the extraction of the tooth may be indicated.

In this article, we explain when to extract a molar and the steps to follow.

Why is it necessary to extract a molar?

Mainly, a molar is extracted when it is impossible to keep it in the arch with the rest of the teeth.

This is a consequence of not having taken proper care of the teeth, either for reasons of hygiene or for not attending a dental clinic with the required regularity.

Thus, it is usually necessary to extract a molar in the following cases:

A dental caries that has not been treated in time.

Dental cavities are almost always associated with children, but the truth is that anyone is susceptible to these lesions, regardless of age.

When food debris accumulates on the tooth surface, bacterial accumulations begin to proliferate.

These pathogens release a series of acids that affect all the layers of the tooth until they reach the inside of the tooth.

Once this point has been reached, dental caries becomes irreversible and the only way to treat it so that the tooth is not lost is to perform a root canal.

Remember that this type of intervention can be performed on both permanent and baby teeth.

Molar infection

Although toothache is usually identified with the presence of caries, there are other pathologies that also cause a strong affliction.

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In the event of an infection in one of the molars, it is important to try to deal with it in time so that it does not lead to further complications.

This type of ailment can be the result of a wide variety of complications, from severe trauma to dental pulpitis.

As with caries that has progressed too far and can no longer be treated with a filling, a root canal is necessary in the case of severe infection.

However, if it is not possible to eradicate it, the dentist must assess whether there is no other option but to remove the tooth.

Take care of your molars
Frequent visits to the dentist and proper hygiene routines will help you avoid compromising the condition of your teeth.

Periodontal diseases

Periodontal diseases progressively advance, starting with gingivitis that can be reversible until it becomes periodontitis.

Pyorrhea is a very serious pathology that, in the most extreme cases, leads to the loss of teeth.

It is caused, like caries, by poor daily oral hygiene.

The bacteria that accumulate in the mouth form solidified calculus – or dental tartar – reaching the inner area of the gums, which ends up damaging the root of the tooth.

If the appropriate treatment against periodontitis is not implemented, the bone that supports the tooth is severely damaged and, eventually, the tooth falls out.

Gaining space in the arch

There is another reason why a dentist may recommend the extraction of a tooth and it has nothing to do with any dental disease.

Sometimes, although it depends on each case and person, an orthodontist considers it appropriate to perform an extraction on wisdom teeth to gain extra space.

In this way, it is possible to move the teeth to the desired position through orthodontic treatment.

However, this intervention is by no means performed in all cases and it is essential to carry out an orthodontic study beforehand.

There are also other techniques to achieve greater space in the arch, such as stripping.

Dental treatments are aimed at preserving all the teeth, but if this is not possible, extraction may be indicated.

Is the wisdom tooth always extracted?

Another question raised by the extraction of wisdom teeth is whether this intervention is always performed when treating wisdom teeth.

These are the four molars -two in each arch- that emerge at the back of the dentition.

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Depending on each person, they begin to emerge from the age of 17 and sometimes up to the age of 25, although there are those who do not have these pieces without affecting their oral health at all.

But do wisdom teeth always cause so many problems that they need to be extracted? Certainly not.

It is common to feel pain and discomfort when wisdom teeth are erupting, although they do not have to be removed unless they compromise the rest of the teeth.

Why does wisdom teeth eruption hurt?
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Therefore, if you notice that these teeth are coming in, it is advisable to go to your trusted dental clinic so that they can determine that everything is going correctly.

Even if you do not feel pain, it is important that a professional evaluates the state of the wisdom teeth, as well as verifying that the rest of the teeth are not affected.

Through a dental x-ray it is possible to check if the wisdom tooth is included or retained, that is, embedded inside the jaw.

In these cases, it is usual to extract the wisdom tooth.

What are the steps to follow to extract a tooth?

If the dental treatments aimed at keeping the tooth in the mouth are insufficient, it will be extracted.

In this case, the steps prior to the intervention are as follows:

A realization of radiographs to check both the state of the tooth. In this way the doctor makes an assessment of the state of the tooth and how to proceed.

Once he knows how to carry out the tooth extraction, a partial sedation of the mouth is performed during the operation.

At the end of the exodontia, the patient is prescribed certain medications (anti-inflammatory, analgesics and antibiotics) to facilitate postoperative healing.

Do I need an implant after a tooth extraction?

In almost all cases the placement of a dental implant is recommended.

The lack of teeth entails the loss of dental bone, since the alveolus ceases to receive the stimulus coming from the dental root.

However, the specialist who treats you should evaluate each case individually in order to achieve the best possible esthetic and functional result.

However, keep in mind that it is not necessary to place an implant if the extracted tooth has been a wisdom tooth.

Likewise, if the exodontia has been carried out to create space in the arch before orthodontic treatment, an implant is not indicated either.

How much does it cost to extract a tooth?

The price of extracting a tooth, whether permanent or deciduous, varies greatly depending on the clinic you ask.

Therefore, our recommendation is that you get information and ask for a quote in several centers to check what they offer in each one.

At DrAW Dental Clinic we perform dental extractions from 50 dollars.

In addition, you can benefit from the following payment facilities to make recovering your smile even easier:

  • Financing 100% of the treatment in 6 and 12 months without interest or commissions.
  • Financing of 100% of the treatment in 18 months without interest with 1% of opening commission.
  • Financing of 100% of the treatment in 24 months without interest with 2% of opening commissions
  • Financing of 100% of the treatment in 36 months without interest with 3% of opening fee
  • Financing of 100% of the treatment in 48 or 60 months with 1% opening commission and shared interest.
  • Cash discounts for early payment

Frequently asked questions about tooth extraction

How long does it take for a tooth extraction to heal?

Some degree of pain and discomfort is to be expected after an extraction.

In some cases, the dentist will recommend a pain reliever or prescribe one for you.

Applying an ice pack to the face for 15-minute periods may relieve discomfort.

It is also advisable to limit strenuous activity and avoid hot liquids.

Under normal circumstances, discomfort should subside within three days to two weeks after the extraction.

If the patient has prolonged or severe pain, swelling, bleeding or fever, it is advisable to call your dentist immediately.


What happens when you have a tooth pulled?

Because of the anesthesia, you may experience vomiting and nausea after the procedure, and your mouth may feel numb.

Do not be alarmed: the effect of the anesthesia lasts between 3 and 4 hours.

During this time, you must be careful not to hurt yourself by biting.

In addition, it is advisable to press the wound with gauze to control bleeding.

If it does not stop, this gauze should be replaced every 20-30 minutes until the bleeding stops.

It is common to feel some swelling in the cheeks, in the area near the extraction, and even notice the presence of bruises and some difficulty in opening the mouth normally.

Do not be alarmed: these discomforts will subside after a few days.

In addition, you should continue taking the medication prescribed by your dentist: usually painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs for 4 days after the extraction, and antibiotics the week after it.

These medications will mitigate the sensation of pain, which is common during the first 4 days after surgery.

Dental peri-implantitis
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How to sleep after a tooth extraction?

To help the inflammation subside, it is advisable to keep your head in an elevated position.

At bedtime, you can use two pillows to keep your mouth upright.

How to brush your teeth after a tooth extraction?

It is essential to keep the area clean and prevent infection immediately after tooth extraction.

For the next 24 hours, it is advisable not to smoke, rinse your mouth or clean your teeth near the extraction site.

The day after surgery, the patient may rinse his or her mouth gently with warm salt water.

It is important not to swallow the water and spit it out.

As the swelling subsides, you can brush your teeth, but without putting pressure on the affected area and always with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

What can you eat after a tooth extraction?

Until the pain begins to subside and the patient can return to normal life, it is advisable a diet based on cold and soft foods.

In the days following the exodontia, it is advisable to avoid hot liquids.


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