Wisdom teeth: guide to understanding what they are, when they appear and why to remove them

Wisdom teeth: guide to understanding what they are, when they appear and why to remove them



Most people have wisdom teeth, or wisdom tooth, but there are others who never grow in. Although almost everyone has heard of wisdom teeth, not everyone really knows what they are, when they erupt and what problems they can cause for the rest of the teeth. Wisdom teeth are closely related to the appearance of pain, but not in all cases the person experiences complications.

Why do we have wisdom teeth and what are they for?

When we talk about wisdom teeth, we refer to the four teeth that come out in the back of the mouth, behind the second molars. These teeth are the last to erupt and generally begin to appear between the ages of 17 and 25, although it depends on each person. It is possible for them to appear at an earlier or later age, or even not to grow at all.

In addition, since they do not follow an exact rule, they do not necessarily erupt all four. Therefore, the total number of teeth in an adult dentition will vary depending on whether wisdom teeth are present. An adult person who has reached the permanent dentition and all four wisdom teeth will have a total of 32 teeth, while if he/she has none, his/her jaw will consist of 28 teeth.

Wisdom teeth
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So, if they do not follow a stable growth pattern in all people, why do we still have wisdom teeth? Wisdom teeth originated in our ancestors, when the human race needed highly developed jaws to be able to ingest food that required more chewing. For this reason, they had more space to house wisdom teeth. However, as the human species evolved and changed its diet, smaller jaws began to develop.

Although wisdom teeth are associated with pain, there are times when they erupt without complications and do not present problems for the rest of the teeth.

Wisdom teeth do not have a fundamental mission in our mouth, so it is common to extract them if they present or may present problems. It is in these cases in which the dentist or maxillofacial surgeon should evaluate the possibility of surgery to remove them.

How do I know if my they are coming in?

As we have indicated above, even if they erupt, there are people who do not present symptoms if they grow healthy and aligned. However, there are many cases in which the symptoms present themselves in the form of pain, infection or inflammation.

Wisdom teeth coming out
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This can occur because the wisdom teeth do not grow completely vertically, but instead protrude at a slant or crookedly. It can also happen that they partially protrude if they do not have enough space.

Problems arising from wisdom teeth

The most symptomatic complication of wisdom teeth is acute and persistent pain in the area where they are erupting. In this situation, it is very useful to know how to remove the toothache with home remedies until you can go to the dentist.

But they can also lead to other problems. Both lack of space and improper growth can compromise the structure of the oral cavity.


If teeth begin to crowd together, oral hygiene becomes substantially more difficult, as tartar and bacteria accumulate in places where the toothbrush cannot reach. In addition, impacted wisdom teeth – those that are completely tucked into the jaw and covered by soft tissue – are highly associated with the formation of cysts.

Unerupted wisdom tooth
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How is the wisdom teeth operation performed?

There are two professionals in charge of the extraction of a wisdom tooth: the dentist specialized in surgery and implants and a maxillofacial surgeon. These specialists will determine, depending on the case, if it is necessary to remove any wisdom teeth.

As we have mentioned before, since they do not have a specific function in our mouth, they are generally only extracted if they present problems. In some cases, the decision to operate on wisdom teeth is made when the person already has symptoms. In other cases, the professional relies on X-rays to determine if the intervention should be performed preventively before the first symptoms occur.

The surgery is quite simple, is performed very frequently and can be performed under local anesthesia.

Do not let time pass: go to the dentist
A wisdom tooth that does not erupt correctly not only causes problems related to pain, but can also compromise the entire dentition.

The duration of the intervention depends on the state and situation of the molars, that is, if they have erupted completely or partially, if they are affecting the structures of the mouth, if one or all four must be extracted…

Patient recovery after surgery

Once the intervention is over, the patient will need a recovery time that will also vary depending on how the surgery was performed. First of all, the patient must wait for the sedation to wear off.

Generally, during the first hours following the operation we can carry out a series of guidelines and expect some inconveniences:

  • Bleeding: to absorb the blood, a clean, damp gauze can be placed on the area where the bleeding gum occurs.
  • Although it is common during the first hours, if the bleeding does not stop we should consult with the surgeon.
  • It is also common for swelling and inflammation to occur around the area where the teeth have been extracted.
  • In order to relieve pain, we can place compresses or cold packs.
  • The professional who has performed the surgery will prescribe some medication to relieve the pain. He/she should be the most indicated to indicate what to take for the pain.
  • Once we have their indications, we must respect both the type of medication and the dosage.
  • There may be restrictions regarding the intake of certain foods.
  • As a general rule, food during the first hours is limited to cold drinks only.
  • It is advisable for the patient to follow the guidelines set by the dentist and not to drink hot beverages or eat solid food until instructed to do so.
  • Alcohol and tobacco have a negative effect on the natural recovery process, so it is advisable to avoid them.

Remedies for toothache
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Remember that neither wisdom teeth nor surgery have the same consequences from one patient to another, so it is necessary to consult with your dentist or maxillofacial surgeon the appropriate guidelines in your case. In fact, the indications offered may be different from those mentioned above, as they will have been established according to your needs.

You already know that the recovery time may vary depending on each case. Therefore, we recommend you to be patient, to keep everything you need close to you so that you do not have to exert yourself. The recovery period can be somewhat uncomfortable, but we must not forget that once it is over, we will have put an end to the discomfort and pain of wisdom teeth permanently.

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