Crowded Teeth: how to correct it?

Crowded Teeth is one of the most common malpositions and it is very common to see children with orthodontics for this reason.

Although it is normally associated with childhood, the truth is that there are adults who also have overcrowded teeth.

In any case, the appropriate treatment is to start orthodontics to align the dentition and make each tooth take its place in the arch.

It is important to correct this problem because, apart from the aesthetic factor, crowding has a very negative effect on oral health and the functionality of our mouth.

What is dental crowding?
Tooth crowding is an alteration in the position of the teeth in both upper and lower arches.

Its origin is found in the lack of space, a situation that can be explained due to different causes:

Maxilla or mandible too narrow.

Ogival palate.

Teeth of a size greater than adequate with respect to the width of the bone.

Moderate dental crowding.
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Types of dental crowding according to its origin
Depending on what has caused the dental crowding, there are three ways of referring to this oral problem:

Primary crowding

This occurs when the crowded teeth are the result of genetic inheritance, usually because there is a family history of this dental malposition.

Secondary crowding

This type of malposition has its origin in bad dental habits or in the premature loss of baby teeth.

In the first case, habits such as thumb sucking or using a pacifier for a long time negatively affects the correct eruption of the teeth.

But, in addition, if the primary teeth fall out prematurely, they can cause the adjacent teeth to move to take their place, taking space away from the permanent teeth.

Tertiary crowding

This is not the most frequent case, but sometimes it is possible that the eruption of wisdom teeth or wisdom teeth may affect the rest of the teeth.

Generally, when these molars do not have enough space to erupt, they are retained inside the gum and it is necessary to extract them.

Throughout life, the same person can suffer from crowding due to different causes.

Are there different degrees of crowding?
As with all dental malocclusions, not all people have the same severity.

Thus, we find different degrees of crowding that influence the way it affects our mouth, as well as the difficulty in dealing with the case.

We speak of mild crowding when the missing space in the arch is less than 3 millimeters.

If between 3 and 5 millimeters are required, we speak of a moderate case and, finally, we are dealing with severe crowding if more than 6 millimeters are needed.

Dental crowding is the result of a lack of space in the arches, so that the pieces cannot come out in their proper place.

What are the consequences of this malposition?
The main consequence of crowding seems to be an esthetic factor. It is a problem that detracts from the harmony of the face.

But beyond this aspect, the truth is that it contributes greatly to the appearance of caries and periodontal disease.

Whether we are talking about dental crowding in children or adults, in all cases it is much more complicated to maintain proper oral hygiene.

Crowded teeth prevent us from reaching, even with dental floss, all the nooks and crannies of the mouth and interdental spaces.

As a result, bacteria proliferate in the oral cavity, causing problems of halitosis -bad breath-, caries and tartar.

Ultimately, and if the problem is not remedied, the patient will experience gum inflammation (gingivitis) and later periodontitis.

In addition, crowding generates occlusion problems, because if the teeth are not in their proper position, they do not fit properly over their opposites.

For example, if there is severe lower dental crowding, the patient will almost certainly not be able to close his or her mouth properly because the teeth will collide.

This situation leads to masticatory problems and creates jaw tension that can be transmitted to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

Finally, one of the most long-term consequences is the wear and tear of the dental enamel.

Hygiene in crowded teeth
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How to correct dental crowding?
As we said before, the treatment to solve crowded teeth is to undergo orthodontics.

However, it will not be the same in all cases: the dentist must assess the degree of crowding, the patient’s age and the origin of the malposition.

Treatment for dental crowding in children
During the growing age, approximately until the age of 11, it is still possible to intervene in the position, shape and size of the bones of the mouth.

Thus, in case the crowding is the result of a narrow palate, the orthodontist can plan an interceptive orthodontic treatment.

This process can only be performed in childhood and its objective is to correct the anomalies of the bony structures, as well as to guide the eruption of the teeth.

With this, malocclusion problems with skeletal origin are solved in a simple and fast way.

Once the bone position has been corrected, the dentist can determine if corrective orthodontic treatment, which is the treatment used for adults, is necessary.

Take your child to the dentist
It is preferable to correct dental crowding problems in childhood to avoid more complex treatment in adulthood.

Adult Orthodontics
In the case of adolescents or adult patients, we can correct this alteration with any orthodontic treatment.

Depending on your requirements in terms of aesthetics and price, it is possible to choose between traditional brackets, transparent brackets or other invisible systems (Invisalign and Incognito).

The latter are very popular with people who do not want anyone to notice that they are wearing braces.

Complementary treatments for aligned teeth
In addition to the orthodontic treatments with which we are most accustomed, dentists can resort to techniques that facilitate the approach to crowding.

There are mainly two such practices:

Exodontia or extractions.
In cases of severe crowding, the orthodontist may order the extraction of a tooth -usually wisdom teeth- to gain space in the arch.

The reason wisdom teeth are usually extracted is that they are teeth that have no specific function in the mouth.

In fact, there are people who never get them, and they do not have any kind of inconvenience.

Once these teeth have been extracted, it is possible to obtain a more optimal result thanks to orthodontics, since the dentition has more space.

Dental stripping
Stripping is a technique that is also combined with orthodontics and its purpose is to gain space for the teeth.

The process consists of slightly polishing the teeth, reducing part of its width, to solve the crowding.

This procedure is harmless for the teeth and does not cause pain, so it is performed without anesthesia.

Once the dentist has obtained the desired interdental space, these gaps will be closed thanks to orthodontics.

Can crowding be prevented?
There are times when crowding cannot be avoided, especially if it is due to hereditary causes.

Similarly, when a child loses his or her baby teeth, for example, due to a forced extraction because of an infection, it can be difficult to prevent the incorrect eruption of the permanent teeth.

However, there are a series of factors that can favor the appearance of crowded teeth and that we can avoid from infancy.

As parents, we should be very alert and watch our children’s dental development and teach them healthy habits.

Given that secondary crowding is caused by unadvisable habits, it is important to be aware of them in order to modify these behaviors in time.

In this regard, we recommend:

Make the change from bottle to cup as soon as possible.

Reduce, as much as possible, the use of pacifiers.

Avoid thumb sucking.

In order to detect any malocclusion in time, the first visit to the orthodontist should take place at 6 years of age.

Remember that, as we have explained, in childhood it is easier to solve problems related to crowding and bite.

Retention after orthodontics: maintain results
Finally, we must give the retention phase of orthodontic treatment the importance it deserves in order to maintain the results for life.

Teeth have memory, and if nothing prevents them, they will return to the initial position they had before orthodontics.

Therefore, the only way to ensure that we retain our new smile is to use fixed and removable retainers.

Removable retainer
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The removable retainer must be worn throughout the day immediately after orthodontics is completed, but after that its use is limited to sleeping hours.

The fixed retainer, on the other hand, is a thin wire that adheres to the inside of the teeth.

They do not interfere in any way with the patient’s daily life and are crucial to avoid having to repeat the same process in the future.

There are people who have had to undergo orthodontic retreatment because they have not worn an adequate retention system.

Now that you know how dental crowding can be corrected, do not hesitate and start your treatment now.

If you simply want more information, you can contact our specialists. We will be delighted to help you.

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