Overbite: what problems does it create and how can I correct it?


Among the dental malocclusion problems for which we treat our patients every day, overbite is one of the most common.

Although it depends on its degree, overbite is not one of the most visible malocclusions, since it does not have to be perceived when smiling because we do not always show our lower teeth when we do so.

A person is considered to have an overbite when his or her upper teeth are more advanced than the lower teeth and even cover them -either totally or partially-.

This is why the approach depends on how this position affects the physical and functional appearance of the patient.

Depending on the case, the dentist will determine whether it is solved through orthodontic treatment or a combination of orthodontics and orthognathic surgery.

What is an overbite?
As we have just mentioned, an overbite is characterized by the upper teeth vertically covering the lower teeth.

This is usually the consequence of a class II malocclusion, in which the maxilla is advanced with respect to the mandible.

Since it can be present in different degrees, sometimes the overbite is very slight and hardly noticeable.

However, there are cases of deep overbite in which, when biting, the upper teeth completely cover the lower teeth.

In fact, it is considered a deep overbite when the upper incisors cover one third of the lower incisors.

Dental malocclusion
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What problems does it cause?
Since there are different degrees of overbite, the greater the degree of overbite, the more important the problems it causes or entails:

Crowding of upper incisors and/or canines (fangs).
Increased likelihood of caries due to crowding, which hinders oral hygiene.
Increased likelihood of periodontal disease due to difficulty in maintaining hygiene.
Excessive jaw tension, resulting in bruxism and tooth wear.
Overbite can present itself in different degrees and it is convenient to identify it in time during a visit to the dentist, since sometimes it is not visible to the naked eye.

How can I avoid overbite?
Before we begin to detail what the treatments for overbite consist of, it is important to point out that, on many occasions, overbite cannot be avoided.

This is because, in this case, genetic inheritance plays a fundamental role.

In fact, most people with this type of malocclusion have a family history of overbite.

That said, it is also true that there are habits that take place in childhood that can contribute to children developing an overbite.

These are thumb sucking or prolonged pacifier use.

Baby bottle caries
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How can it be corrected?
Depending on the age of the patient and the degree of overbite we can apply different solutions:

Interceptive orthodontics (children)
We call interceptive orthodontics those appliances that we place in children between 6 and 11 years of age, approximately.

They are used to guide the development of their maxillary bones when they are still in the growth phase.

Given the early age at which interceptive orthodontics is placed, with these appliances we focus only on the bones.

That is, we do not make any correction in the position of the teeth.

This is because between the ages of 6 and 11 years old, usually not all the permanent teeth have erupted yet.

Once this process is complete, orthodontic treatment can be started to correct the position of the teeth.

See a pediatric dentist
The ideal way to address any type of malocclusion more easily is to see an orthodontist for the first time at 6 years of age.

Orthodontics (adolescents and adults)
The fundamental difference between interceptive orthodontics and the orthodontics we perform on adolescents and adults is that with the latter we can only correct the position of the teeth.

That is, we can no longer make modifications to the bones.

The orthodontic treatments that can be carried out to solve the overbite are through brackets (metal, sapphire or Incognito lingual) or through Invisalign aligners.

As we have mentioned before, when there is an overbite, it is very common that there is also crowding.

Due to the different orthodontic treatment options and the fact that each problem must be studied individually, the orthodontist is the appropriate professional to determine the most suitable alternative.

Clear aligners
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Orthognathic surgery (adults)
Although most often an overbite can be corrected by orthodontics alone, there are cases in which the cause of this malocclusion is skeletal.

This means that the cause is due to the position of the maxillary bones, that is, that the bite problem has not been adequately treated during childhood.

In cases where orthodontics is not sufficient to correct the bite, a treatment that combines orthodontics and orthognathic surgery should be used.

It should be noted in this regard that the dental appliance placed on the patient prior to surgery is, in almost all cases, a fixed system (brackets).

Orthognathic surgery is a specialty within medicine whose objective is to make corrections in the maxillary bones of adult patients.

That is to say, it makes it possible to make cuts in the bones to modify their size or position.

In this way, we can move the jaw forward or move the upper jaw back.

In any case, our recommendation is to see an orthodontist as soon as you notice the first symptoms of overbite.

In fact, it is never too early to see an orthodontist, even if you have not noticed any symptoms.

If no signs are noticed, my personal advice is to take children to the orthodontist at six years of age.

If bone development is adequate, a check-up can be scheduled some time later to assess whether it is still adequate.

And, if growth anomalies are observed, it will always be easier to solve any bite problems in children than in adults, when their jaws are in the growth phase.

As we have just seen, it is also possible to solve overbite in adults, but the duration and complexity of the treatment will always be greater.

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