Dental Implants in molars: what are they like and how much do they cost?

Dental Implant Placement
Dental implants without surgery

The mouth of an adult person is made up of a total of 32 teeth, each with its respective name: 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars and 12 molars.

These last ones (molars) are the teeth that are located at the end of the mouth, also known as molars.

Many patients wonder if it is possible to place a dental implant in the location of a molar, and if there is any difference with respect to its placement in the rest of the teeth.

In this content, we are going to look at what dental implants are and how they are placed in molars.

The molars

As we have indicated above, our mouth has 12 molars.

The first and second molars in infancy are not permanent teeth.

As the years go by, these teeth fall out and the permanent molars appear.

However, third molars – also known as wisdom teeth – usually appear at the age of 16-18, and some people never get them.

The main function of these molars is to grind food during chewing.

In comparison to other teeth, molars are larger teeth and may have two or more roots.

In addition, the crown of the tooth (i.e., the external part of the tooth) may have four or more cusps.

Now that the characteristics of these teeth are known, it is time to unravel the mystery…

Yes, dental implants can and should be placed in the position occupied by the molars.

Main characteristics of dental implants

The placement of dental implants is intended to give back to the patient the teeth that have been lost.

This is not only an esthetic problem, it is also a functional problem.

The lack of teeth means that, with the passage of time, the patient has discomfort in chewing or difficulty in pronouncing normally.

In addition, dental bone resorption is inevitable.

Dental implants can solve these problems that affect your mouth.

Here are a few things you should know about dental implants:

  • They completely mimic natural teeth in esthetics, function and chewing.
  • Offer great resistance to daily chewing forces.
  • They replace the lost tooth without the need to grind the neighboring teeth.
  • It is necessary to carry out a study of how much bone there is in the area to place the implant before placing it.
  • The success of the tooth implant depends on the quality of the implant, the professional who performs the intervention and your hygiene habits after surgery.

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How are dental implants placed in the molars?

Implants in molars consist of an artificial titanium root (implant) that is placed in the bone, and the visible part of the tooth (dental crown).

The implant placement procedure is simple. In addition, in molars this procedure is faster and less uncomfortable than, for example, the extraction of a tooth.

The average time for the placement of an implant in the molars is approximately 40 minutes.

First, an x-ray is taken to see the existing bone in the area.

Then, the case is studied and it is determined how the intervention is going to be performed.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia by an implant specialist.

The implantologist proceeds to place the screw in the tooth to be replaced, that is, he places the implant in the area of the molars.

This is what will hold the visible tooth.

After 3 months, the implant will be attached to the bone and the crown can be placed, that is, the visible part of the tooth.

With this, you will have a fixed false tooth that, apparently, could be your natural tooth.

In our clinic we have several specialists in dental implants, such as Dr. Wintergerst, Certified Maxillofacial Specialist, periodontist and expert in dental implants.

Advantages of dental implants in molars

Due to the characteristics of the molars themselves, and their distribution in the mouth, the main advantages of placing an implant are:

  • There is no need to grind adjacent healthy molars to replace the tooth.
  • It is a faster intervention compared to the placement of implants in other dental locations.
  • It is a fixed and durable system.
  • It perfectly imitates the natural tooth.

Wisdom teeth implants

Wisdom teeth -also known as wisdom teeth or third molars- are the last teeth to erupt, and when they do erupt -in many cases- they are usually removed.

Some people never even get wisdom teeth.

What does this mean? That these teeth do not have a primary or necessary function for oral function and development.

Due to the characteristics of these teeth, third molar implants are not usually necessary, since the chewing function is covered by the first and second molars.

In addition, there is no esthetic reason for their placement; since they are at the end of the mouth, they are practically imperceptible to the eye.

However, this is something exceptional that only occurs with these molars.

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In the rest of the teeth and molars (first and second molars), although they are not visible to the naked eye, when the tooth is missing it is necessary to place an implant.

This is because all teeth have a specific function, and the lack of any of them can cause other problems in the future.

To avoid reaching this point, there are numerous conservative dentistry treatments whose purpose is precisely that; to avoid the loss of the tooth so as not to have to resort to implants.

The price of dental implants in molars

Many patients also ask us what is the price of a dental implant in the molar.

The price of this dental implant is not fixed, it will depend on the previous oral health of the patient and the number of implants needed.

The approximate cost of a single implant (including surgery, screw and crown) starts at 1,500 dollars.

However, the price is approximate, since each person has different problems and requirements.

This means that the total price may vary according to the needs of each patient.

We’re a friendly team of dentists working together to ensure that you receive the best treatment that you require.

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