Can you speak with invisalign?

The method of orthodontics with invisible splints – Invisalign – has arisen as a result of the growing demand from adult patients for more esthetic methods.

Thanks to an increasing awareness of the importance of having properly aligned teeth and their impact on our general health, orthodontics is no longer relegated to adolescents.

Nowadays, more and more adults are considering orthodontic treatment to achieve a smile that is both aesthetically pleasing and fully functional.

Many of them choose orthodontics with clear aligners, both for their esthetic advantages and for the convenience of being able to remove the splints to eat or brush their teeth.

However, one thing is undeniable: every orthodontic procedure requires an initial adaptation process.

The adaptation period after Invisalign placement

If you choose Invisalign as your orthodontic method, this adaptation period will be shorter than if you had opted for a fixed procedure such as lingual braces.

For this treatment to be effective, you must wear the aligners for at least 22 hours a day. However, you need to remove them from your mouth to eat or brush your teeth.

For this reason, wearing Invisalign will not affect your eating or your oral hygiene.

However, when you speak, you will have to get used to the presence of the splints in your mouth.

Can you speak with invisalign?

The first few days after Invisalign is placed, you will notice that when you speak, your tongue makes contact with the aligners. The aligners cover all the teeth, so at some point you may have to change the way you pronounce. In addition, it is common for you to salivate more than usual at first.

Which orthodontics is more comfortable for speaking
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However, you can rest assured in this regard: in general, most patients say that their speech is not compromised after the first Invisalign braces have been placed.

However, it is true that, at first, you will notice the presence of a foreign object in your mouth. After a very short period of adaptation, Invisalign will not interfere with speech at all.

In this regard, the opinion of Daniela Cárdenas, one of the most popular veterinarians, may be useful to you.

Dany came to the clinic because he wanted to improve the esthetics of his smile. However, she was very concerned: she understood that orthodontic braces could hinder his work as a professional talking with clients everyday.

Therefore, our team of orthodontists recommended Invisalign as an orthodontic method.

In his video she tells you about his experience: the braces did not cause her any difficulty in pronouncing properly and, moreover, he is delighted with the result of the treatment.

Daniela’s opinion on Invisalign

However, if this is not your case and you feel some discomfort when speaking properly, we give you a series of guidelines to make the adaptation period as short as possible.

Tips for speaking well with orthodontics

If you want the Invisalign splints to stop affecting the way you speak, you should not feel self-conscious about it and, much less, take them off. In fact, you should remember that for the treatment to be effective, you need to wear them for 22 hours a day.

Therefore, the best advice we can give you is to practice as much as you can.

To do this, you can talk to your co-workers, friends or family. And remember that the fact of not being able to pronounce all the sounds properly should not discourage you: insist on saying those words that are more difficult for you.

In addition, you can choose to read aloud excerpts from texts or books that you have at home. In this way, you will be forced to speak continuously and you will get used to the presence of the orthodontic appliance more quickly.

It is possible to speak well with orthodontics
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Finally, and although it may seem like an absurd tip, singing can help you to reduce the adaptation process.

In any case, if you still have any doubts about the adaptation process after the placement of an orthodontic appliance or about the different existing methods and which is the one that best suits your lifestyle, we invite you to contact us.

Our team of specialized orthodontists will evaluate your case in a personalized way, and will resolve any doubts you may have regarding orthodontics.

If you would like to arrange a first visit with us free of charge, you can fill in the form on our website or, if you prefer, call +1 619 372 5409.

Our Patient Care team will give you an appointment that fits your schedule. We look forward to seeing you!

We’re a friendly team of dentists working together to ensure that you receive the best treatment that you require.

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