What are the types of Invisalign that exist?

Invisalign is one of the most comfortable and esthetic orthodontic systems available today.

Its discretion and effectiveness make it the preferred method for those who are concerned about their appearance during treatment.

In addition, and depending on the degree of malocclusion of each patient, there are different types of Invisalign that the orthodontist can prescribe to achieve optimum results.

In this article, we explain the different versions of Invisalign, what each one consists of and its price.

What is Invisalign and how does it work?

Also known as bracket-free orthodontics, Invisalign is a method based on removable clear aligners.

These splints are custom-made for the patient’s mouth and are the ones that perform the dental micro-movements.

Every two weeks, the person must change the set of aligners for new ones in order to gradually obtain the desired alignment and occlusion.

Fabrication of the splints

The first step in making the splints is to take a virtual sample of the patient’s oral cavity using an iTero 3D intraoral scanner.

This image is sent telematically to the dental laboratory, where all the splints that the person is going to use are made, according to the orthodontist’s planning.

These 3D models allow the dentist to plan the entire orthodontic procedure until the optimum result is achieved.

This is possible thanks to ClinCheck, a computer software developed by Align Technology – the company that developed Invisalign – on which the dentist works.

ClinCheck by Invisalign
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By means of its technology, the specialist guides the dental movements until the ideal position within the dental arch is reached.

Another of the great advantages of this system is that the patient can see a simulation of what their final smile will look like even before starting orthodontics.

Within approximately 7 to 10 days, the patient will receive the first set of splints.

For the treatment to be effective, they should be worn for a minimum of 22 hours a day, and only used for eating and brushing teeth.

Since with the change of splints the teeth make small movements, the patient sees how his smile improves day after day.

Since there are different types of Invisalign, your orthodontist will choose the one that best suits you to correct your occlusion and alignment.

What is an Invisalign refinement?

As we have just explained, the dental laboratory sends all the splints that the patient will need to obtain an esthetic and functional smile.

But, in addition, once all of them have been used, the orthodontist can order another series of extra aligners to achieve a better result.

This order with a certain number of splints is called refinement.

For example, the treatment may consist of 36 splints and a refinement with 10 more sets.

Types of Invisalign

The types of Invisalign are distinguished according to the duration of treatment and the number of aligners the patient will need.

Thus, there are four categories:

  • Invisalign Lite
  • Invisalign Full
  • Invisalign Teen, designed for teenagers
  • The i7 version, for very mild cases.

Invisalign Lite to correct occlusion.

Invisalign Lite is a more basic version of the treatment offered by Align Technology, as it corrects small malpositions, deviations or dental rotations.

Its choice is especially common in people who have had braces before, but have not had a correct retention phase.

Thus, with the passage of time, the teeth have moved again and need orthodontic retreatment.

Generally, treatment with Lite lasts between 12 and 14 months and includes a single refinement.

The price of Invisalign Lite

Typically, the price of an Invisalign Lite procedure in Tijuana is around $3,500.

Types of Invisalign
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The characteristics of Invisalign Full

On the other hand, Invisalign Full is the most complete version of the invisible aligners.

It is indicated for the most complex cases in which both bite and alignment must be corrected.

It is the most common option among patients who choose Invisalign, and lasts approximately 18 months.

This is only an estimate, as it is true that each patient evolves in a different way.

The malocclusion problems to be corrected may delay the duration of the treatment, in addition to the time of daily use of the splints.

Since it is intended for cases that require more corrections, the Full version includes up to three refinements in the price of the procedure.

How much does Invisalign Full cost?

In order to determine the determined cost of your orthodontics, it is necessary for the orthodontists at our clinic to evaluate your case in person.

To do this, we need to carry out a series of diagnostic tests to verify the state of your mouth and make a diagnosis tailored to your needs.

Even so, as a guideline we can say that the price of an Invisalign Full treatment in Tijuana ranges from 4,430 €.

Be consistent

To meet the deadlines and obtain the expected result, it is essential that you wear the splints at least 22 hours a day.

Invisible orthodontics for teenagers: Invisalign Teen

The demand for a discreet dental appliance is not just for adults, as teenagers are also asking for orthodontics that do not affect their appearance.

For these patients who do not want to wear traditional metal brackets, there is the Invisalign Teen version.

It has the same features as the Full system and a time control method that is very useful for parents and the orthodontist.

The Teen splints include blue indicators in the molar area, called compliance indicators, which wear out with use.

This makes it easier to control the exact moment when one set of splints should be replaced by the next.

It also includes three free additional sets of splints to replace any aligners that the patient may lose or break during the procedure.

The duration of an Invisalign Teen treatment depends on the case to be treated, although it can be between 14 and 18 months.

Regarding its cost, it starts from a price of 4,430 Dollars.

Invisalign Teen
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Invisalign Express or Insvisalign i7 for very mild cases.

This is the “express” version for very mild orthodontic retreatments that only require minor modifications to the front teeth.

The duration with this system is less than 7 months, although it is usual for a person who has experienced relapse in their orthodontics to require the Lite or Full system.

In terms of price, Invisalign Express is around 1,900 Dollars.

What are the advantages of Invisalign?

The main benefit of clear aligners is aesthetics, as it is practically imperceptible even at short distances.

In addition, it makes it possible to correct any dental alignment problem as a fixed dental appliance – brackets – would.

Another positive aspect is the economic aspect, since it is a cheaper method than other types of invisible orthodontics, such as lingual braces.

In addition to this, there are the advantages of a removable appliance:

It is more comfortable than a fixed appliance, since the patient can remove it to eat and it does not interfere with chewing, so there are no dietary restrictions.

Invisalign is the most hygienic orthodontics, as it is removed during tooth brushing, facilitating the cleaning of the nooks and crannies of the mouth.

In addition, it is the most appropriate system for people who have periodontal problems and need to wear braces.

Although aligners must be worn 22 hours a day, it is possible to do without them at some exceptional moment, for example, for a social event.


What will your Invisalign orthodontic treatment be like at DrAW Dental Clinic?

Now that you have decided on Invisalign, we are going to tell you briefly what your visits to our clinic will be like.

During the first visit, we will carry out a series of photographic and radiographic diagnostic tests.

All of them will be analyzed by our specialists in the different branches of dentistry.

Based on the orthodontic study, we will draw up a personalized treatment plan to achieve a smile that meets your initial expectations.

The orthodontists who will deal with your case are specialized professionals, as they are dedicated exclusively to their area and have a high degree of knowledge in Invisalign.

At DrAW Dental Clinic we have obtained the category of Emerald Elite Provider, a recognition awarded to professionals who have dealt with more than 150 cases in the last year.

Finally, we offer you a complete budget that includes all the concepts of your orthodontics and various payment facilities:

  • Financing of 100% of the treatment ask how
  • Discounts for early payment

Read Daniela’s opinion about Invisalign

If you would like more information or would like to make an appointment, we invite you to contact our doctors through the web form or by calling +1 619 372 5409 🇺🇸 +52 664 590 8321 🇲🇽 .

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