What are the advantages of adult orthodontics?

There are many adults who are attracted to the benefits of orthodontic treatment. However, many of them never get into the hands of an orthodontist because they consider it more appropriate for young or adolescent patients.

In fact, there may be those who, at a certain age, only go to the dentist to undergo conservative dentistry treatment or treatment related to dental implants.

That is to say, they do not consider other options more typical of the specialty of Dental Aesthetics -such as veneers or orthodontics-, which embellish and rejuvenate the smile notably.

Having said this, what we have to emphasize right now is that there is no maximum age to undergo this type of treatment.

Or, in other words, no person is old enough to wear orthodontics.

Therefore, the benefits of wearing orthodontics can be taken advantage of by anyone who wants to improve both their oral health and the appearance of their smile.

The advantages of orthodontics are centered on three aspects: health, esthetic and psychological.

Why is there no maximum age for orthodontics?
There is no maximum age to wear orthodontics since the only requirement to undergo this type of treatment is to have acceptable oral health.

This means not having serious periodontal problems or, if there is a disease – in the form of gingivitis or periodontitis – it must be treated and controlled.

If, at this point, you want to know exactly what periodontal diseases are, how they are prevented and what their consequences are, we recommend you watch the following video:

Periodontal diseases: gingivitis and periodontitis.

Benefits of orthodontic treatment
As with a younger person, for an adult, orthodontics also means a great change in their quality of life.

And, as we will see in the following lines, this type of treatment offers many more advantages than “simply” having a beautiful smile and aligned and positioned teeth.

When we talk about orthodontics, the first thing we think of is the aesthetics it provides.

This is very true. However, some people do not see beyond that and give this type of dental treatment a much more frivolous character than it really has.

But, as we will see below, improving the smile is not just a superficial matter.

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On the contrary, its implications are as follows:

In short, what orthodontic appliances do is to improve the position and thus the function of our teeth. This has several positive consequences.

On the one hand, it improves hygiene, since the teeth are aligned, instead of crowded or piled up.

In this way, it is easier to remove food debris with the toothbrush, preventing them from accumulating and giving rise to the development of bacteria.

By improving dental hygiene and thus preventing the growth of bacteria, the chances of caries or periodontal disease are reduced.

On the other hand, improving the position of each tooth benefits the functionality of our entire mouth.

That is to say, a good position makes the different teeth we have in our mouth occlude -bite- correctly and contact each other in an optimal way.

In this way, there will be no unnecessary -and at the same time very harmful- wear on the teeth.

At this point, it is important to know that excessive and prolonged wear over time can cause weakening and subsequent loss of the tooth.

Brushing to prevent caries
Brushing to prevent periodontal disease
This is possibly the most obvious advantage of all those that come to mind when we think of orthodontic treatment.

With the improvement in the position of the teeth, we achieve an attractive, healthy and harmonious smile. And, in addition, much more youthful.

This not only makes us look better when we look in the mirror. What is more important: it has psychological implications that we will detail in the following point.

Psychological level
Having crowded or overcrowded teeth makes us unhappy with the appearance of our smile.

And the truth is that many people reach adulthood without ever having been satisfied with the appearance of their smile.

Therefore, they either avoid showing it or do not fully enjoy doing so for fear of showing their imperfections.

This, in the long run – and depending on the person – can end up causing a lot of insecurities, discomfort or discomfort.

Which type of orthodontics has the most advantages?
When determining which orthodontics has the most benefits, it is necessary to know that this point depends, especially, on our preferences and lifestyle.

The most commonly used types of orthodontic treatment are as follows:

Metal brackets
They are mainly placed on children and adolescents, as they are the most unsightly and this type of patient does not have great aesthetic requirements.

Sapphire brackets
They are the natural evolution of traditional metal brackets, since sapphire brackets work exactly the same but are very discreet.

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This is because the material they are made of, sapphire crystal, is transparent and “camouflages” very well with the tooth enamel.

Incognito lingual braces
These are the most esthetic brackets available. What’s more, they are completely invisible because they are placed on the inside of the tooth.

Lingual orthodontics is an option chosen by many adults, who prioritize the aesthetics of the treatment over other aspects, such as price.

Benefits of invisible orthodontics
Invisible orthodontics for adults
Invisalign aligners
Unlike the other braces mentioned, Invisalign is not a fixed orthodontic option because it is not based on brackets.

It consists of a system of removable aligners that are changed for new ones every two weeks. In this way, they perform the necessary movements on the teeth.

As they are transparent, it is also a practically invisible option. Therefore, they are, together with Incognito lingual brackets, one of the preferred options for adult patients.

Choose esthetic orthodontics
Having said all of the above, and by way of summary, we can determine that the advantages of dental braces for adults are as follows:

Increases self-confidence and self-esteem.
You get the smile you have always wanted
It improves the bite, getting a good chewing when eating and less tooth wear.
It helps to maintain the health of the mouth, avoiding caries, gingivitis or periodontitis.
Aesthetics are not lost during treatment, since there are very discreet orthodontics for adults that are not noticeable.
There are different orthodontic alternatives and prices
As you can see, nowadays the specialty of orthodontics has evolved a lot and offers numerous facilities and advantages. But, above all, it provides very satisfactory results.

In fact, it is very common for patients at our clinic, once dental treatment has been completed, not to be able to remember well what their mouth was like before they started it.

In addition, they claim not to understand how they have spent so many years with a smile that neither favored nor satisfied them, without deciding to wear orthodontics.

Therefore, if you are considering the possibility of wearing them, you can find out which is the most suitable for you and how long it will last in our office.

As you have already seen, all teeth alignment and bite problems can be solved. And, at the end of the treatment, you will notice a great improvement in your quality of life.

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