What are the steps for braces process?

If you are thinking of having orthodontic treatment, or even if you have already decided to do so, you are sure to have many doubts regarding appointments and the time required.

For this reason, in this article we are going to detail the steps that each of our patients follow from the moment they decide to wear braces until we place them on their teeth.

The process of placing braces: step by step
Below, we detail all the steps necessary to place orthodontic treatment.

These steps are the same for any orthodontic method, whether with brackets -metallic, sapphire and Incognito- or without them -Invisalign-.

1. Orthodontic study
The planning phase of orthodontic treatment is perhaps the most important of the whole process.

It is this preliminary phase that determines, to a large extent, the subsequent success of the procedure.

In order to carry out this preliminary study properly, in our dental clinic we carry out a series of diagnostic tests.

Intraoral photographs
We take a series of images of the inside of the patient’s mouth in order to have an overall view of the patient’s arches (upper and lower).

For example, these photographs help to see if the arches are very compressed, if the patient has a great need for space, etc.

Extraoral photographs
We take images of the outside of the mouth to evaluate the esthetics of the smile.

Among others, the following aspects are analyzed: if the person shows a lot of gum, if the teeth are centered with respect to the midline of the face, etc.

In addition, both intraoral and extraoral photographs will be used to compare the patient’s initial situation with the final one, once the treatment is completed.

And, in this way, we will be able to see the results obtained in a very graphic way.

Proofs of the orthodontic study
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Panoramic X-ray
The panoramic X-ray is used to obtain a two-dimensional image of the front of the patient’s mouth.

Therefore, it shows both the teeth and the bony structures of the face.

In this way, it makes it possible to check, for example, whether the person has any teeth or baby teeth that have not fallen out.

This, although it may sound strange, is possible in adult patients. There are people who reach adulthood with some baby teeth.

Teleradiography is a lateral X-ray of the patient’s skull that serves to provide a two-dimensional image of the teeth and bones of the face.

This type of X-ray is very useful, for example, to detect malocclusions called class II or class III, which is when the patient has disproportion between the size of the upper jaw and the mandible.

Study models
The models are nothing more than the classic molds with a colored paste that the orthodontist inserts in the patient’s mouth to obtain a recreation of the patient’s teeth.

Taking impressions
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This step can be done in the traditional way -with the traditional alginate molds we have just mentioned- or digitally -through a 3D scanner-.

With all these records, your orthodontist will study the case and plan your treatment.

Ask your questions
When you have the opportunity to talk to your orthodontist, don’t forget to ask him or her any questions you may have about the treatment.

2. Interview with your orthodontist
After your doctor has planned your treatment, you will have an interview – either in person or by telephone – with your orthodontist.

In this way, the orthodontist will explain the main points of both the study carried out and your orthodontic treatment.

And, of course, you will also be able to ask her any questions you may have about the brackets. Or about Invisalign aligners, if you have chosen this method.

Among other things, he will give you details on the following aspects.

Objectives to be achieved: align teeth, correct bite, eliminate diastemas, etc.
Total duration of treatment
Frequency of check-ups.
Types of care and hygiene that you will have to maintain.
Retainers that you will wear at the end of the treatment.
In the case of Invisalign, in this interview with the doctor you will also be able to see a simulation of the final result of your teeth at the end of the treatment.

This is possible thanks to the brand’s own software called ClinCheck.

3D Software
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3. Placement of the brackets
Once the orthodontic study has been carried out and explained, all that remains is the actual placement of the brackets.

Or, failing that, the Invisalign aligners.

At this point, it is important to note that, if you are going to wear braces, our orthodontists will place them in two appointments.

That is, in a first appointment, the brackets of the upper arch will be placed. After a few weeks, you will return to the clinic to have the lower arch brackets placed.

This is done exclusively to make your adaptation to the braces easier.

Although most patients say they get used to orthodontics within a few days, it is advisable to allow a period of time for the person to adapt better.

This circumstance, of course, does not affect the duration of your treatment or the deadlines set by the doctor in the study.

On the other hand, if you are going to wear Invisalign, the placement of both aligners (those of the upper and lower arches) will take place at the same appointment.

This is because the adaptation period to Invisalign is still much shorter than that of braces.

That is, since the aligners do not have the classic metal elements of brackets, they do not cause sores or wounds during the first days of treatment.

As you can see, the procedure for placing braces is quite simple. From the moment you decide to wear braces until they are fitted, only two or three appointments are necessary.

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