Separated teeth: treatments to solve diastemas

Separated Teeth

It is common to see young children with some separation in their baby teeth, especially in the upper front incisors (commonly known as pallets).

However, there are also adults who have diastemas in the permanent dentition.

The appearance given by this characteristic space between the teeth can be perceived as a sweet and childlike feature, even acquiring the category of fashion.

For others, on the other hand, it is an aesthetic defect and a physical complex that they prefer to correct.

If you want to know which treatments are best suited to correct diastemas, read on.

Why do I have a diastema?
It is important to emphasize that by diastema we mean any separation between two teeth.

As a general rule, we associate the idea of separated teeth exclusively to the palettes, precisely because these are the most visible teeth.

However, any pair of teeth can have a gap.

There are three main causes that create interdental spaces and for each one there is a specific treatment.

Labial and lingual frenulum abnormalities
In the oral cavity we have two frenulae, each located in one part of the mouth.

They are membranes that allow the movement of different parts of the oral anatomy: the tongue and the lips.

If the labial frenulum located in the upper part of the mouth has had an anomaly in its development and has grown more than it should, it can generate problems.

The main consequence is the presence of diastemas.

Incisor teeth with diastema
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The separation between the teeth in these cases is due to the frenulum occupying part of the gum, interposing itself between the upper central incisors and, therefore, preventing the two from meeting.

It is also possible for the lower labial frenulum to be larger than normal and to cause gapped teeth, although this is not as common.

To a lesser extent, but also with some possibility, a person with a short lingual frenulum may present some diastema in the lower incisors.

Disproportion between the size of the maxillary bone and the teeth.
In this case, the excessive development of one part of the mouth is also the origin of diastema.

Specifically, it happens when the maxillary bone is too wide compared to the size of the teeth, so that they cannot occupy the entire width of the bone.

In these cases, it is common for the gap to be generalized and not present in a single pair of teeth.

Separation between teeth, also known as diastemas, can occur in any tooth and also in the permanent dentition.

Suction or pushing of the tongue against the teeth.
By simple habit, it is feasible for a person to excessively press the tongue against the teeth for a prolonged period of time.

It is a gesture that apparently seems harmless but, in fact, it has negative consequences.

Due to the pressure of the tongue, the teeth gradually move until they separate from each other.

There are people who make pressure not out of habit, but because their tongue is too big (macroglossia).

Treatments indicated to correct gapped teeth
Diastemas are not a problem in themselves, but there are people who perceive them as an aesthetic inconvenience.

As we have mentioned above, there are different procedures to solve diastemas and for the patient to achieve the perfect dentition for him/her.

Precisely because the factors that lead to the appearance of diastemas are diverse, at DrAW Dental Clinic we offer a personalized treatment for each patient.

Dental veneers
Dental veneers offer an effective solution with very aesthetic results.

They provide the tooth with the desired shape, color and size, in addition to contributing to the patient’s smile being harmonious and natural.

Veneers are usually made of composite or porcelain, each with specific characteristics and resistance, but both fulfill their main objective: to correct diastemas.

Veneers solve gapped teeth
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The use of veneers to solve the separation of teeth is indicated in the following cases:

When there is disproportion between the size of the maxillary bone and the size of the dental pieces.

In such a circumstance, the gaps can be generalized or localized between any pair of teeth in the oral cavity.

On the contrary, when the diastema is produced by the pressure of the tongue against the dentition, the spaces are localized.

Specifically, the teeth affected are, as previously indicated, in the upper front incisors.

The mission of veneers is to conceal the empty spaces and give the patient the smile he/she desires.

Orthodontic treatment is an effective method for any of the problems that form diastemas.

It is necessary to keep in mind that, in many cases, the spaces between the teeth are not solved through a single treatment, but with a combination of two.

In other words, dental veneers are very practical if the teeth are perfectly aligned and the patient only needs the dentist to conceal certain diastemas.

However, reality shows that there are very few people who, without having undergone previous orthodontic treatment, have good alignment and harmony in their teeth.

Thus, if the dental professional encounters a patient with crooked teeth, it would be most appropriate to begin orthodontic treatment.

Separation of teeth
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If at the end of the treatment, the patient considers that he/she still needs veneers to modify the shape, size or color of any dental piece, he/she can ask for them at the dental clinic.

On more than one occasion we have emphasized that any appliance corrects dental problems.

Therefore, the person has a wide variety of appliances available depending on his or her needs: from metal brackets to invisible orthodontics (lingual) or transparent aligners (Invisalign).

Frenectomy is a minimally invasive surgery whose mission is to correct the abnormal growth of the labial frenulum.

This singularity causes a localized gap between the two palettes and, as with the previous point, it is necessary to combine two treatments.

After the operation, there will be a small interdental space that will have to be closed using orthodontics.

Recover your smile
Although the diastema has no disadvantages for dental health, if it is an aesthetic problem, do not hesitate and go to a dentist.

Negative aspects of diastemas
We have previously mentioned that diastemas are not a pathology in themselves, although each person may perceive them differently.

It is a matter of taste and there are adults who have separate teeth in the permanent dentition who do not have any inconvenience.

You can have diastemas but keep your teeth healthy and your teeth well cared for.

However, it is essential to maintain a thorough daily oral hygiene routine so that the interdental space does not generate any complications.

It is essential to brush the area where the space is located with special care, as it is a cavity in which food debris accumulates very easily and can lead to tooth decay.

The formation of bacterial plaque is the cause of periodontal diseases (gingivitis and periodontitis or pyorrhea), which can have serious consequences for oral health.

In addition, another consequence of accumulating food in the interdental spaces is halitosis or bad breath.

It does not matter if you have a diastema if it does not pose an aesthetic problem, but keep in mind the importance of maintaining proper oral hygiene and frequent visits to the dentist.

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