Dental Cleaning or Dental Prophylaxis: how to perform a professional oral cleaning step

Dental Cleaning or Dental Prophylaxis: how to perform a professional oral cleaning step

If you want to have good oral health, it is essential that you maintain rigorous hygiene routines.

After every meal, you should supplement your toothbrushing with flossing, mouthwashes and interdental brushes.

However, this is not enough to thoroughly remove the bacterial plaque and tartar that accumulate in every nook and cranny of our oral cavity.

For this reason, specialists recommend a professional oral cleaning to keep your mouth in perfect health.

We explain what this procedure consists of and when it is indicated.

What is prophylaxis?
We call prophylaxis the performance of a professional oral cleaning.

Also called tartrectomy, it is a simple procedure performed in the clinic by dental hygienists to remove any bacteria and tartar from the teeth, gum line and interdental spaces.

Bacterial plaque is a soft substance that accumulates on the surface of the teeth and can only be removed by brushing.

However, there are always areas of the oral cavity where it accumulates and over time it ends up solidifying and, therefore, turning into tartar or calculus deposits.

This dirt can only be eradicated by professional dental hygiene.

Cleaning your mouth step by step
Tartar is the main cause for the development of caries and periodontal diseases.

Therefore, the professional follows a technique to keep the mouth completely free of bacteria.

It can be summarized in the following steps:

Initial assessment
Before starting with the prophylaxis as such, the specialist will perform an oral examination to assess the state of teeth and gums.

With this, the hygienist will be able to locate the areas that present plaque and tartar, in addition to verifying that there are no other periodontal conditions – gingivitis and periodontitis – caries or tooth mobility.

In order to search for pathogenic agents inside the mouth, the professional uses a product called erythrosine.

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This is a compound that is applied to the tooth surface and stains the bacterial plaque, facilitating the hygienist’s work.

Ultrasound tip
Prophylaxis begins with the application of the ultrasonic tip.

This instrument allows the removal of calculus deposits thanks to its pressurized water system combined with a slight vibration.

Thus, the hygienist leaves teeth and gums free of calculus.

Vibration to remove calculus
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Dental floss
The hygienist then flosses the entire interdental surface to ensure that it is thoroughly cleaned.

If necessary, interproximal brushes are also used.

Polishing strips and prophylaxis paste
Subsequently, the hygienist uses polishing strips to eradicate the stains that are generated between teeth.

However, the stains that are present on the vestibular (external) side of the teeth caused by the passage of time and the ingestion of certain foods, such as coffee, are also eliminated.

To do this, a brush with a special prophylaxis paste is used.

Removes stains from teeth
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It is possible that the patient has more resistant stains that are not removed with the previous techniques.

In this case, the hygienist uses an air polisher with baking soda spray.

Dental fluoride
Finally, a tray with a fluoride gel that remineralizes tooth enamel is applied.

To conclude the appointment, and the patient is instructed in proper brushing technique and oral hygiene.

Dental prophylaxis appliances

How long does a prophylaxis last?
In our dental clinic, the duration of this appointment ranges from approximately 50 to 60 minutes.

However, this can vary because it depends on each case and, therefore, on the accumulation of tartar and bacterial plaque.

It is also necessary to take into account the degree of difficulty for the specialist to keep the mouth free of them.

Tartrectomy eliminates the accumulation of calculus and plaque and prevents the appearance of periodontal diseases.

How often do I have to have my teeth cleaned?
Oral hygiene is especially important in patients suffering from periodontal diseases: gingivitis or periodontitis.

In an initial stage, it is manifested by inflammation and bleeding of the gums -gingivitis-.

In this state, the condition is reversible by means of a thorough oral cleaning.

However, in a more advanced stage, periodontal disease leads to pyorrhea.

It is a pathology that begins with inflammation of the supporting tissues and, if left untreated, can lead to tooth mobility and tooth loss.

Oral hygiene is the main factor in the prevention of this type of pathology.

For this reason, in periodontal patients, specialists recommend an oral cleaning every 4 to 6 months.

On the contrary, in people who keep their mouth healthy, the period is extended to 8 or 10 months.

Tartar removal
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Does dental hygiene hurt?
Prophylaxis is a painless procedure that does not require the use of local anesthesia and has no harmful side effects on our dental health.

Hygiene removes tartar and plaque deposits present on our teeth, as well as along the gum line.

In this way, some areas that were previously unaccustomed to receiving stimuli are exposed and, for this reason, some patients may experience a slight dental sensitivity.

This sensation is temporary and will subside after a few days.

Benefits of professional dental prophylaxis or dental cleaning
As we have already mentioned, hygiene is the basis for healthy teeth and gums.

Therefore, it is logical to think that tartrectomy has numerous benefits for keeping the mouth in good condition:

It prevents periodontal disease and gum inflammation by removing calculus deposits.

It leaves the oral cavity free of bacteria, ending the problems of bad taste in the mouth and halitosis.

Thanks to the application of fluoride, hygiene remineralizes tooth enamel, which substantially reduces the possibility of caries.

It improves esthetics by eliminating stains on the surface of our teeth.

Clean and healthy teeth give us a more confident and healthy appearance.

Hygienists perform the prophylaxis.
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What if I have an accumulation of plaque in the subgingival line?
When the patient has tartar accumulation under the gum line -subgingival- it is necessary to remove it quickly to prevent it from developing into periodontitis.

It is usual that, in these cases, the person has inflamed gums.

The most effective treatment is scaling or root planing.

This is an oral cleaning procedure specifically designed to remove tartar deposited below the gum line.

It is usually performed under the effect of local anesthesia, so that the patient does not suffer major discomfort.

Frequently asked questions about oral hygiene
Many of our patients wonder if dental cleaning is indicated for children, adolescents or people undergoing orthodontic treatment.

When is professional dental hygiene recommended for children?
When a young patient sees a pediatric dentist, he or she is likely to recommend a dental hygienist if plaque buildup has been observed.

Unlike adults, it is not necessary to repeat the prophylaxis once a year in children.

Dentists recommend instructing both the child and parents in hygiene techniques in order to ensure thorough daily dental cleaning.

Tongue cleaner
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However, adolescence is a period of strong hormonal changes in which gum inflammation is a very common symptom.

For this reason, at this stage it is recommended to perform a hygiene every 8 to 10 months.

If I wear orthodontics, when should I have my teeth cleaned?
Orthodontic treatments, especially fixed methods – metal brackets, sapphire brackets or lingual brackets – make oral hygiene difficult.

The presence of an external appliance means worse access to all the nooks and crannies of the mouth where dental calculus accumulates.

To avoid inflammation of the gums and the possible development of periodontal disease, specialists recommend dental hygiene before starting treatment and every 6 months thereafter.

This way, at the end of the treatment, the patient will have perfectly aligned teeth and a healthy mouth.

Visit your dentist once a year
Not only for dental hygiene, it is also necessary to have check-ups to prevent any pathology.

However, in case the person wears invisible aligners, such as Invisalign, the daily cleaning of the mouth is not complicated.

The splints are removable so the patient takes them off to brush his teeth.

As you can see, dental cleaning or dental prophylaxis is a simple and very effective procedure that has numerous benefits for dental health.

Following good hygiene guidelines and going to the dentist frequently will keep your mouth in perfect condition.

Would you like to contact us to make an appointment with our specialists?

Call us at +1 619 372 5409 🇺🇸 +52 664 590 8321 🇲🇽 , or use the contact form on our website, and ask for your first free appointment.

We will give you a complete diagnosis and an estimate without obligation.


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Bibliographic references

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  • Durán-Cantolla, J., Alkhraisat, M.H., Martínez-Null, C., Aguirre, J.J., Guinea, E.R., Anitua E. (2015). Frequency of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in Dental Patients with Tooth Wear. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.11 (4): 445-50. (
  • Wetselaar, P., Manfredini, D., Ahlberg, J., Johansson, A., Aarab, G., Papagianni, C.E., Reyes Sevilla, M., Koutris M., Lobbezoo, F. (2019). Associations between tooth wear and dental sleep disorders: A narrative overview. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. 46 (8): 765-775 (
  • American Dental Association (ADA). Sleep apnea and snoring. (
  • American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. (2015) Dentists treat sleep apnea, too. (

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