Veneer Types: features and benefits.

junio 29, 2022by admin

Veneer Types: features and benefits.

Dental veneers are one of the treatments with the highest demand within the specialty of Aesthetic Dentistry.

And it is not surprising, since it allows to substantially improve the appearance of the teeth in a very fast and effective way.

In this way, the person does not need to undergo a treatment that requires more time and achieves the dental aesthetics they wish to have.

What are dental veneers and in what cases are they used?
Dental veneers are thin sheets of porcelain or composite that are adhered to the visible side of the tooth to improve its esthetic appearance.

Due to their aesthetic purpose, these veneers are placed on the vestibular side of the front teeth, as they are the most visible when we smile.

Therefore, their purpose is not to improve the functionality of the teeth, but only to give them a more harmonious appearance.

They are elements that are custom-made for each patient in order to make them look as natural as possible when placed next to the rest of the teeth.

As we have already mentioned above, the function of these thin plates is to beautify the smile.

That is to say, to improve the teeth with which we are not completely satisfied due to their color, shape, size or position.

Therefore, dental veneers are used to correct such common defects as crooked, broken, separated (diastemas), stained, irregular or worn teeth.

For example, cosmetic veneers can be an alternative to orthodontics if a person wants to slightly change the shape of his or her teeth.

They can also be very effective for teeth that have calcified or darkened after root canal treatment.

In these cases, the tooth would only regain its color through internal whitening.

Veneer Types and their materials

There are different materials with which dental veneers are made, although all of them respond to the same need: to improve dental esthetics.

Porcelain or ceramic veneers
Currently, there are two types of porcelain veneers:

These are the ones that offer the best quality and durability. That is why it is the material that is most in demand in our dental clinic.

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The resistance of ultra-thin veneers is due to the injected porcelain used to make them.

Within the aesthetic veneers, there are two commercial brands currently on the market: Lumineers and e.max veneers.

These veneers have a thickness similar to that of a contact lens, ranging in thickness between 0.3 and 1 millimeter, so that as a general rule it is not necessary to file or alter the shape of the natural tooth.

Their thickness is 0.3 to 1 millimeter.
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Depending on the shape of the tooth on which the veneer is placed, a minimal contouring of the veneer may be required, although not in all cases.

Thanks to the advances in technology available to doctors who are experts in Dental Aesthetics, the fabrication of aesthetic veneers is completed in just 72 hours.

This is a considerable reduction in time, considering that not so long ago the patient had to wait a month.

In addition, the dentists use a 3D scanner to obtain a virtual sample of the patient’s mouth.

Thus, in the event of a breakage or complication, the prosthetists working in the dental laboratory can re-fabricate a veneer without the patient having to travel to the clinic again.

Although zirconium is a very resistant material that offers highly esthetic results, it is used in very specific circumstances in the case of veneers.

This is because they are thicker and more opaque than ultra-thin veneers.

It is common for the dentist to recommend the use of zirconium veneers if a patient has a metal stud in their tooth that cannot be removed.

However, it is a material that is widely used to fabricate dental crowns, as we have said, precisely because of its natural appearance.

We have previously indicated that there are two types of veneers, although until not long ago feldspathic veneers were also used.

Ultrathin veneers have almost completely displaced this type due to their strength and quality, so they are hardly used anymore.

Composite veneers also offer a good esthetic result for the patient’s oral cavity, but the material they are made of makes them less durable than porcelain veneers.

For this reason, our specialists recommend composite veneers in two very specific cases: when the correction is particularly simple or when the patient is very young.

Before and after veneers
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The latter is because treatment with porcelain veneers is best carried out once growth is complete, after the age of 18.

However, in younger patients it is advisable to place composite veneers, since they are reversible, as they do not require dental contouring in any case.

Thus, if desired, the dentist can remove them in the future in a very simple way and subsequently bond the porcelain ones.

Composite offers very realistic results when it is necessary to slightly modify the size, shape or color of the tooth, and also to close gaps (small black triangles that appear between tooth and tooth).

Advantages and disadvantages of porcelain and composite veneers
Given that the most commonly used dental veneers – and the ones we place most frequently in our clinic – are porcelain (e.max and Lumineers) and composite veneers, we are going to detail the benefits and disadvantages of each of them.

As you will see below, the fundamental characteristics vary depending on the material they are made of:

Durability and strength.
Porcelain veneers last longer than composite veneers, lasting up to 15 years in perfect conditions, and they do not lose their color or stain.

This duration depends to a great extent on the patient following the dentist’s instructions regarding maintenance and care.

However, the idea that veneers last forever is gaining more and more weight, as there are several studies that state that these veneers can last between 25 or 30 years.

In contrast, composite veneers last a maximum of approximately five years.

To reach this period, it is necessary to attend maintenance check-ups and have the veneers polished by the dentist.

It is necessary to polish composite veneers
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In addition, it will be easier for aesthetic veneers to last five years in good condition if the patient follows good habits in terms of hygiene and diet.

As composite is a material that stains over time, foods and drinks with a lot of color (red wine, coffee, red fruits, dark chocolate…) as well as tobacco do not help to keep it in good condition.

It is very unlikely that a ceramic or porcelain veneer will suffer a fracture.

However, the patient can rest assured that any damage or damage will be repaired quickly.

Composite veneers can be easily reconstructed in the dental office, while porcelain veneers are made in the laboratory.

However, as we have previously mentioned, this does not involve a long waiting time for the individual.

Thanks to the virtual sample of the oral cavity, the patient only has to come to the clinic to have the veneer placed by the dentist after only 72 hours have elapsed.

It is not surprising that porcelain veneers are more expensive than composite veneers because of their strength and esthetics.

However, in the event that a patient wishes to obtain greater long-term benefits, it is advisable to opt for ceramic veneers, whether Lumineers or e.max.

This recommendation is based primarily on the longevity and results obtained with these veneers.

Although the initial cost is higher, we can have them almost permanently and with a much more aesthetic result over the years.

On the other hand, composite veneers are cheaper but need to be replaced in less time.

The prices of aesthetic veneer types range from 380 €, in the case of composite veneers, and from 720 € if they are made of porcelain.

Porcelain or composite?
If you want your dental veneers to last as long as possible, we recommend that you opt for porcelain or ceramic veneers.

How dental veneers are placed
Whether they are porcelain or composite, aesthetic veneers are bonded to the person’s natural teeth by means of cementing.

What does vary is the manufacturing process.

Ceramic veneers are made in the laboratory.
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Although in all cases they are completely custom-made and their shape is, therefore, personalized, the placement of composite veneers is faster and simpler.

It is common for the dentist to mold the material directly onto the patient’s tooth, while ceramic veneers are created in the laboratory.

Frequently asked questions about dental veneers
Are there any risks or problems?
Today, we can say that, thanks to advances and the latest technologies in esthetic dentistry, dental veneers do not damage teeth.

Traditionally, composite veneers have always required less grinding of the tooth than porcelain veneers.

That is, in some cases it is not even necessary to wear down the enamel.

That said, the need for grinding depends on two factors: position and shade.

If both aspects are adequate, it will not be necessary.

On the other hand, if the tooth is excessively advanced or has a very yellow color, it is necessary to “touch” the tooth.

In these cases, a slight esthetic contouring will be performed, so light that it does not require anesthesia.

Can veneers be bleached?
No, dental veneers cannot be whitened.

Therefore, before having a veneer placed, it is necessary to make sure that the color is appropriate.

This is achieved by the dentist testing the patient to determine the most appropriate color, shape, size or position.

If, for example, the patient is not satisfied with the color once the veneer has been placed in the mouth, it will be necessary to remove it and have a new one made.

Porcelain dental veneer
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When thinking about color, it is also important to consider the thickness of the veneer.

Most of the esthetic veneers that we place in our dental clinic are e.max or Lumineers.

This means that they have a minimum thickness and are also translucent to provide naturalness.

Therefore, if the color of our teeth is yellow and we place the veneer on top of it, this tone will become transparent and the smile will have a yellowish appearance.

Given that veneers have a fundamentally aesthetic objective, it will be very convenient to carry out a dental whitening before placing the veneer.

In this way, the person will have bright, white teeth.

Is it advisable to have veneers?
The treatment of dental veneers offers a series of benefits that we have described in this article.

Broadly speaking, we can say that the best thing about veneers is that they offer a short-term aesthetic improvement to the smile.

But, more specifically, veneers are a recommended option when the patient meets the following three assumptions:

They are unhappy with the color, size, shape or position of their teeth.

They do not want to undergo lengthy dental treatment – orthodontics.

You need a quick solution.

Dental veneers give a very natural-looking smile and do not cause any problems or damage to your teeth.

If they are contraindicated for me, what are my alternatives?
Having said all of the above, there are occasions when the patient cannot have veneers for different reasons.

In this case, we will recommend another type of treatment.

Very severe malpositions
There are people who are interested in wearing aesthetic veneers to improve their smile but have very severe malpositions.

This makes professionals recommend to the patient the possibility of wearing orthodontics.

In this way, optimal results will be obtained without grinding the tooth, because if veneers were used, the volume of the tooth would be excessively reduced.

Malocclusion problems
When the patient does not have a good bite (class II, class III, crossbite…) veneers may also be contraindicated because there is a risk of breakage.

As in the previous case, it would be advisable for the patient to start orthodontic treatment.

It is important to remember that all dental appliances are used to correct malocclusion problems, so the person can choose the type that best suits them: Invisalign, metal brackets, lingual orthodontics, etc.

Veneers correct irregular teeth
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Although on many occasions the fact of suffering from bruxism is presented as a contraindication, the truth is that at Ferrus&Bratos we treat patients who have this habit and wear veneers.

What is necessary in these cases is that we make an unloading splint so that the person sleeps with it and thus prevents them from breaking them.

Poor hygiene
Not having proper oral hygiene is not only detrimental to dental health, but also to the use of esthetic veneers.

Tartar buildup leads to gum inflammation or leaks.

However, there is a simple solution to this problem: maintain an oral cleaning routine.

If you still believe that veneers are contraindicated or may be a problem for you, it is best to go to a dentist specializing in cosmetic dentistry.

This way, you will be able to know for sure which treatment is best suited to your needs.

We hope this guide has helped you to solve your doubts about veneers or to know if this is the treatment you want to carry out.

Even so, if you have any questions we will be happy to help you.

Would you like to contact us to make an appointment with our specialists?

Call us at +1 619 372 5409 🇺🇸 +52 664 590 8321 🇲🇽 , or use the contact form on our website, and ask for your first free appointment.

We will give you a complete diagnosis and an estimate without obligation.


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Read Our Veneers Guide


Bibliographic references

  • Archives of Bronchopneumology (2005). National Consensus on Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome (SAHS). Vol. 41. No. S4. pages 7-9 (
  • Durán-Cantolla, J., Alkhraisat, M.H., Martínez-Null, C., Aguirre, J.J., Guinea, E.R., Anitua E. (2015). Frequency of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in Dental Patients with Tooth Wear. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.11 (4): 445-50. (
  • Wetselaar, P., Manfredini, D., Ahlberg, J., Johansson, A., Aarab, G., Papagianni, C.E., Reyes Sevilla, M., Koutris M., Lobbezoo, F. (2019). Associations between tooth wear and dental sleep disorders: A narrative overview. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. 46 (8): 765-775 (
  • American Dental Association (ADA). Sleep apnea and snoring. (
  • American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. (2015) Dentists treat sleep apnea, too. (

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