BOPT technique: what does it consist of and what are its advantages for you?

junio 13, 2022by admin0
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Dental BOPT technique: what does it consist of and what are its advantages for you?

The BOPT technique (Biologically Oriented Preparation Technique) is performed prior to the placement of crowns or prostheses on teeth or implants. Its objective is to modify the thickness and shape of the gingival tissues that will not be visible once the crown or prosthesis is in place.

In addition, by achieving an increase in the volume of the gum through the carving of the tooth, a better stability of the prosthesis and a more natural appearance is achieved. To make it clearer, we detail the BOPT technique process, its advantages and in which cases it is applied.

What is the BOPT technique?

This prosthetic technique consists of preparing periodontally healthy teeth, i.e. whose adjacent gum has no disease, to obtain an esthetic and stable result. It implies a greater protection of the crown or prosthesis, since by obtaining a greater thickness of the gum, it tends to cover the tooth or implant.

In this way, the gingival tissue is strengthened, improving the esthetic and functional result. It can be applied in two cases:

Before placing a prosthesis on a milled tooth.

In cemented crowns on dental implants.

In order to achieve this increased gum volume, it is necessary to grind the tooth or remove space in the abutment -one of the parts of a dental implant-.

The BOPT technique step by stepEnlarge image
When did it begin to be applied in dentistry?
The BOPT technique was first described theoretically in 2013. It was the result of a study carried out by Dr. Ignazio Loi and technician Antonello Di Felice. The journal Quintessence International published the description of the technique in an article, which at the time was a major novelty in the field of implantology.

It is therefore a procedure that is carried out in many cases today. So much so, that the Spanish Society of Stomatological Prosthetics (SEPES) published in 2018 a complete guide on how to perform this technique.

Thanks to the BOPT technique, we achieve a more natural-looking and stable gingiva when it comes to protecting a crown, whether on tooth or implant.

The BOPT technique step by step

Before placing the crown or prosthesis on a tooth, it is essential to carry out a milling on the piece in question. Since the grinding implies a reduction of the dental volume, it is necessary to perform an endodontic treatment to avoid later complications.

  • The first step is to begin the grinding process using a rotary bur. During this action, the gingival tissue bleeds and forms a clot.
  • As the gum heals, due to the tissue regeneration process itself, new gingiva is created whose structure tends to move towards the place where the crown will be placed. Therefore, healing is the most relevant point in the BOPT technique: it is at this moment when the tissue thickens and adapts to the shape of the new prosthesis.
  • Afterwards, the temporary crown is placed and cannot be removed until the healing process is complete, in approximately 4 weeks. In the following revisions, the dentist will verify that the gum has the size and position that was sought to finish with the placement of the final prosthesis.

Look for specialized professionals
The BOPT technique has great advantages for you, but not all clinics offer it. Therefore, look for surgeons who are experts in applying it, like the ones we have at DrAW Clinic.

Benefits of using the BOPT technique in implants

As we have mentioned above, the BOPT technique has several benefits for the patient’s oral health:

  • It allows to obtain a better fixation of the prosthesis to the mouth, since it achieves the formation of new tissue.
  • It avoids having to carry out other gingival surgery treatments.
  • Improves the aesthetics of the gum, making the prosthesis look natural.
  • It makes the fit between the crown and the gingival margin precise and adequate.

If you need a dental prosthesis or an implant, make an appointment with one of our clinics in Tijuana. At DrAW Dental Clinic we perform the BOPT technique so that the result of your treatment is aesthetic, natural and long-lasting. In your first visit, several of our doctors will evaluate your case and will make, free of charge, a study of your mouth. Contact us!


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