Innovation in dentistry thanks to the 3D printer

3D Printing in Dentistry: Innovation in Dental Care

Since opening its doors for the first time in 1980, DrAW Dental Clinic has been striving to improve in every possible way.

Our team is not only integrated by doctors specialized in their respective areas, but we also have the latest technology in our cabinets.

Thus, we have a 3D intraoral scanner, guided surgery for dental implants placement, smile design software, surgical microscope, etc.

And our most recent addition is nothing more and nothing less than a 3D printer for dentistry.

What is 3D printing in dentistry and what does it do?

A 3D printer is a tool that allows the creation of a physical prototype from a design made in a computer software.

In this way, any piece made using a computer can be converted into a volumetric model.

The creations that can be made using this type of printer are almost infinite, and the fact that they can be created in different materials makes them really useful in many areas.

Every advance in dental technology has a direct impact on the benefit of the patient.

Look for specialists
When looking for a dental clinic, choose one that has a team of experts in the areas of dentistry.

With the 3D printer, more precise, reliable and predictable results are obtained, in addition to substantially shortening waiting times.

The printer produces prostheses
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The knowledge and experience of dental professionals is essential when planning any treatment, but the technique applied is equally important.

The technology makes it possible to determine a rigorous diagnosis and substantially reduces any margin of error.

Due to the cost of this technological equipment, most dental clinics do not have the latest innovation, but at DrAW Dental Clinic we work daily so that patients receive the best possible treatment.

This is the printer we have at DrAW Dental Clinic

In the clinic we have a 3D printer model Phrozen mini 4k.

Thanks to this device, it is possible to develop any product in a much shorter time than in the traditional way.




What can be printed?

The printer makes it possible to create all types of dental prostheses.

To do so, a resin is used -different depending on the product in question- which has the medical certification required to be suitable.

Thus, by means of the computer software that we will explain below, it is possible to print in a matter of minutes:

Dental prostheses.

Unloading splints for bruxism patients.

Working models (a mold obtained after scanning a patient’s mouth that serves as a sample to design orthodontics, crowns, prostheses, etc.).

Dental caps or crowns.

Dental bridges.

Trays for taking impressions with alginate.

Splints to perform guided implant surgery.

Working mold made with 3D printer
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How does the printer work?

The first step before starting to make any type of prosthesis or dental element is for the patient to receive an assessment from the dentist.

In this way, he/she will be able to determine your needs in order to proceed with the treatment.

Once the virtual sample of the patient’s oral cavity is obtained, the doctor sends it telematically to the dental laboratory.

There, the dental technicians proceed to design the crown, bridge, crown… that the person requires.

It is important to remember that the printer does not create porcelain crowns.

For this purpose, the dental laboratory has specific equipment: a robotic milling machine and firing furnace.

The 3D printer is the most recent addition that we have at DrAW Dental Clinic.

This digital design is done through a digital computer software, directly connected to the 3D printer.

The prosthetist chooses the type of resin suitable for the specific creation and programs the printing.

This is done by means of a laser that shapes and solidifies the material.

Once the part is finished, it is necessary to clean the resin remains and let it rest for a few minutes in a machine called a printing box.

Thanks to an ultraviolet light, it finishes hardening the print completely.

Hardens the impressions
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Make an appointment

The use of the 3D printer is very valuable in our clinic.

Not only does it shorten the time, but it also has a direct impact on the quality of the patient’s treatment.

As you have seen, the combination of all the technology we have at DrAW Dental Clinic ensures a rigorous and reliable treatment.

If you need our doctors to assess the state of your oral health, don’t let it pass you by and make an appointment.

Call us at +1 619 372 5409 🇺🇸 +52 664 590 8321 🇲🇽 , or use the contact form on our website, and ask for your first free appointment.

We will give you a complete diagnosis and an estimate without obligation.


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