Bruxism: what is it and what factors cause it?

El bruxismo es el hábito involuntario de rechinar los dientes, una enfermedad que tiene una gran presencia en la sociedad.

Se estima que al menos un 70% de la población española lo padece, y afecta a hombres y mujeres por igual.

Tiende a aparecer entre los 17 y 20 años de edad y normalmente comienza a remitir a partir de los 40.

Sin embargo, existe la posibilidad de que se dé en la edad infantil.

En este artículo vamos a presentar algunas causas que favorecen la aparición de este mal hábito y a explicar las consecuencias que tiene para nuestra salud.

What is bruxism?
Bruxism is the habit of clenching or grinding the teeth involuntarily.

Although it can manifest itself both during the day and at night, it most commonly occurs during sleeping hours.

For this reason, this condition often goes unnoticed.

Sometimes it is not diagnosed until the patient goes to the dental clinic for a routine check-up, showing other symptoms such as tooth sensitivity or jaw pain.

Types of bruxism
Although it is more common at night, bruxism also occurs during the rest of the day.

It can be divided into different types:

Nocturnal: usually, the sufferer is not even aware that he/she grinds his/her teeth and it can occur in periods of 17-20 minutes during the night.

Teeth grinding at night
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Diurnal: it is an act that is usually linked to periods of stress and is performed unconsciously.

Centric bruxism: it is associated with clenching the teeth and mainly affects the premolars.

Eccentric bruxism: in these cases, there is a tendency to friction between the teeth, which affects their wear.

Splints help to keep the jaw in a relaxed position and protect the teeth from grinding.

In addition to these types, bruxism presents different degrees that are determined by their frequency:

Incipient habit: occurs occasionally and for short periods of time. It appears and disappears seasonally and is therefore considered reversible.

Established habit: it may be due to periods of anxiety and may cause certain injuries in some cases. It is considered reversible as long as a procedure is performed to prevent it from passing to the next degree.

Powerful habit: the routine is totally established and the patient cannot control it. Suffers from significant injuries that require comprehensive and specialized treatment by the dentist.

Factors and causes of bruxism
Bruxism is a pathology that can be determined by various causes.

Its appearance is not associated with any serious disease and, although it is a common condition, its origin is found in several external, internal and psychological factors.

The main causes that lead to the appearance of bruxism are:

Malocclusion, more commonly known as misalignment of the teeth, prevents the teeth from fitting together correctly.

Thus, the jaw presses in an awkward position that ends up causing tooth wear.

Occlusal instability
People with crossbite or displaced bite also have problems when it comes to bite properly.

In this case, there is an incorrect relationship between the maxillary bones that generates an inadequate fit of the dental pieces.

An unconscious habit
Do not forget that you can grind your teeth without realizing it, so it is advisable to be aware of the symptoms to identify bruxism correctly.

Periodontal diseases
Eighty percent of people who suffer from some type of gum health-related disease tend to brux more frequently.

Likewise, a filling or a poorly seated prosthesis can cause the person to grind their teeth unconsciously.

Although, as we have mentioned, bruxism can appear due to various agents, it tends to be more frequent in people who have high levels of stress.

Anxiety and nervousness facilitate the appearance of this disease, and it occurs more frequently during sleeping hours.

It also affects the person’s ability to relax.

Anxiety and grinding
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Other factors
Although they may not be so evident, there are other elements that favor bruxism.

We are talking about eating habits, posture or sleeping habits or breathing disorders, again, especially during sleeping hours.

You may not know it yet, but if you suffer from any of the factors described here you could be a bruxer.

Some people don’t have any specific symptoms and don’t discover it until they are in the presence of someone who detects teeth grinding.

Clenching your teeth
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Who can suffer from bruxism?
Bruxism affects people of all ages, regardless of gender, although it is especially common in people between the ages of 17 and 40.

In addition, it also has an incidence among children.

However, bruxism in children is considered less relevant.

It usually affects children between 4 and 6 years of age.

At these ages, it is understood that clenching the jaw during sleeping hours contributes to stimulate the correct development of facial muscles and bones, as well as to favor the teething process.


In fact, this habit usually subsides with the growth of the definitive teeth.

In any case, in the event of bruxism, parents should ideally take their child to the dentist.

After analyzing the case, the specialist will assess whether the bruxism episodes are within normal parameters or if, on the contrary, it is necessary to prescribe treatment to mitigate the consequences of bruxism on oral health.

wear and tear of teeth
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Symptoms of bruxism: learn how to identify it
As we have explained, the person may not even know that he or she is a bruxer.

Therefore, it is necessary to be alert to the signs that indicate the presence of this habit:

Pain in the teeth, head, neck or ear upon awakening.

Sensation of numbness in the muscles that actively participate in the chewing process.

Dental sensitivity generated by the wear and tear of the teeth.

Inflammation of the gums.

Insomnia caused by tension in the jaw.

On the other hand, we find the consequences of bruxism, which are closely related to the symptoms:

Dental wear

Receding, weakened or swollen gums.

Tooth gaping or loss of hard dental tissues

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.
In some cases, these effects can suffer complications that trigger eating disorders, severe dental problems, depression…

Normal and bruxed mouth
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Can bruxism be treated?
While it is true that there are some home remedies to reduce the effects of bruxism, it is advisable to go to a specialist.

Thus, in case we detect some of the symptoms described above, the best option is to go to a dental clinic where we can get advice.

It is important to bear in mind that treatment does not resolve the causes of bruxism.

That is to say, the dentist chooses a treatment aimed at reducing pain, preventing dental damage and reducing grinding.

Therefore, if the reason that leads us to clench our teeth is stress, the dental clinic will not be able to give us a solution to reduce anxiety, but they will be able to prevent the effects of bruxism from affecting us.

The most common and effective solution is the use of mouth guards.

These are dental protectors -made of very resistant resin- that are custom-made and help keep the jaw in a relaxed position.

Splint for bruxism
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Not only do they protect the teeth from grinding, but they also cushion the pressure they suffer.

Generally, the splints are placed on the upper arch and their use is more indicated during sleeping hours, although they can be used during the day.

If a person is a bruxist due to a malocclusion or bite problem, it is common for the dentist to recommend orthodontic treatment.

This will improve the fit of the teeth and there will no longer be pressure in the patient’s mouth.

Do you think you suffer from bruxism? Get out of doubt
Even if you do not experience all the symptoms associated with teeth grinding, it is possible that you are a bruxist if you suffer from any of them.

At DrAW Clinic we can help you diagnose bruxism and determine its causes.

In addition, we will advise you on the most appropriate treatment.

Request a free initial consultation with our specialists and take advantage of the payment facilities we offer.

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