9 recommendations for the aftercare of dental implants

9 recommendations for the dental implants aftercare. 


The placement of dental implants is a surgery with a high success rate: more than 97%.

It is an intervention that is performed very often in dental clinics and therefore the technique has been perfected in recent years.

If it is performed by specialists and with the appropriate precautions, it should not cause major problems.

Even so, as with any operation, it can lead to some complications for the patient.

Therefore, with this article we would like to recommend 9 tips that will help you to have a more bearable postoperative period and will ensure the survival of the implant in the long term.


How will I feel after the surgery?

The intervention itself does not hurt, because the implantologist applies local anesthesia in the mouth of the person.

Once the anesthesia has worn off, it is common to feel slight discomfort or localized inflammation.

Both symptoms are transitory and normally begin to subside after 7 days.

However, it must be taken into account that not all surgeries are the same: it is possible that the discomfort may last longer if you have had three implants instead of just one.

The implantologist who performed the operation may prescribe specific medication for the patient to mitigate possible postoperative effects.

Dental implants
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What Dental Implant Aftercare I should have after placement?

In this section we have summarized a series of general guidelines regarding hygiene and dental implant aftercare.

However, bear in mind that the specific recommendations for each person are those offered by the professional who performed the surgery.

1. Diet

It is advisable to wait at least 2 hours after surgery to start drinking or eating something.

Once this period has elapsed, we recommend that you follow a soft and cold diet for the rest of the day, avoiding chewing on the operated area.

Although you should drink plenty of fluids and cold drinks are recommended, it is important that you do not drink alcohol.

Care, hygiene and post-implant check-ups are vital to the long-term success of the treatment.

2. Mouth rinses

Do not rinse your mouth or spit immediately after the procedure.

This may destroy the clot or damage the stitches, resulting in bleeding.

From the day after the implant placement, rinse gently with a mouthwash (usually with chlorhexidine) prescribed by the doctor.

3. Tooth brushing

The same day of the intervention you should not brush your teeth.

After 24 hours have passed, you can brush them, but very gently, and always avoiding the area of the mouth that has been operated on.

4. Bleeding

The first two days after the implant placement are usually the most uncomfortable.

The surgery causes bleeding that can last for 24 to 48 hours.

To help control it, place a gauze pad over the bleeding area, bite it to keep it in place and change it when necessary.

If the bleeding does not subside, it is important to avoid all physical activity and sit down to rest.

Do not lie down to sleep, as the first night it is recommended that you keep your head as elevated as possible.

If after 48 hours the bleeding does not stop, contact the surgeon who placed your dental implants to detail your situation.

Take it easy
Until 7 days have passed, all discomfort may not completely disappear, so during this period avoid physical activity and follow the instructions of your implantologist.

5. Swelling

As a general rule, swelling remains for 48 to 72 hours after surgery.

Some home remedies to relieve swelling include applying a cold compress to the affected area.

It is also possible to use ice, but its prolonged use can cause skin burns.

Therefore, if this option is chosen, it is preferable to apply it in 10-minute intervals and take breaks.

If after 3 days the swelling does not subside, consult your implantologist so that he/she can examine you and determine if there are any complications.

6. Physical exercise

The same day of surgery you should rest as much as possible and avoid making sudden movements.

In case you practice sports or any physical activity on a regular basis, we recommend that you suspend it for a week.

This way, you will avoid problems related to bleeding, inflammation or pain.

Sport with dental implants
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7. Medication

As we have previously mentioned, the dentist prescribes analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic medication, according to the needs of each person.

Follow the doctor’s instructions regarding these medications and do not interrupt the treatment prematurely without a justified cause.

In case you notice any unfavorable reaction to taking the medication, stop taking it immediately and contact the surgeon.

8. Tobacco

Smoking is a major contributing factor to the success of implants both in the short and long term.

It does not mean that all smokers will necessarily experience rejection of their dental implants, but the chances of complications are higher.

Therefore, it is advisable to eliminate, or at least reduce, cigarette smoking for one week before and one week after surgery.

In this way, the chances of success will be greater and the patient will not have problems in terms of tissue irritation, scarring or infections.




9. Oral hygiene

It is obvious that the dental crown that is placed on the implant is not a real piece, but it works as if it were.

This prosthesis cannot have, for example, cavities, but it is equally important to maintain a rigorous hygiene that will help the implant and the cover to last a lifetime.

To find out how to clean dental implants, you can consult your dentist, but we would like to give you some tips on oral hygiene:

  • Although both manual and electric toothbrushes are equally effective in removing food debris and bacterial plaque, the second type requires less effort.
  • It is very beneficial to use dental floss and interproximal brushes on a daily basis.
  • In other words, once the crowns have been brushed, the interdental spaces should be taken care of.

Cleaning dental implants
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  • In addition to this basic care, it is advisable to complement daily hygiene with the use of an oral irrigator after brushing.
  • Through the direct application of a jet of water, it eliminates a greater amount of bacteria that accumulates on the teeth, gums and other areas of the mouth that the toothbrush cannot reach.

Periodic check-ups – Dental Implant Aftercare

Remember, following these tips is not the only thing that ensures the survival of your dental implants.

Even if you feel that the surgery has been a success and your postoperative period has passed normally, it is essential to comply with the schedule of check-ups established by the implantologist.

In this way, we will ensure that the results are as expected.

In addition, it will be possible to detect and deal with any unforeseen complications that may arise with the implants in time.

Generally, a person who has undergone surgery for dental implants has a check-up every 6 months.

On the other hand, a person with a healthy mouth and without interventions should do so every 8 to 10 months.

However, as we have clarified before, the best indications on the frequency with which to go to the consultation are those offered by the surgeon who performed the intervention.

If, after reading this article, you have any doubts about dental implants, dental implant aftercare or you are interested in knowing more details about the necessary care during the postoperative period, we offer you the possibility of attending a free initial consultation at our clinic.

Frequently asked questions about dental implants:



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