Odontophobia – Are you afraid of the dentist? 7 tips to overcome it

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Many people are afraid of the dentist, known as odontophobia, and the idea of going to a clinic, as they experience a feeling of nervousness before and during the consultation.

Although most patients end up putting the oral health benefits of a visit to the clinic first, there are others who experience panic attacks just thinking about going.

These are the people who have developed odontophobia, an intense and irrational fear of the dentist.

They are literally unable to sit in a dentist’s chair.

Whether you feel a certain apprehension or a phobia at the idea of going to a dental clinic, in this article we want to give you some advice to give you more peace of mind and confidence.

What causes fear of the dentist?
It is common that the fear of the dentist is generated by a previous negative experience in a dental clinic, either during childhood or in adulthood.

It is also possible that this fear has been unfounded by someone else’s experience, told by family or friends.

But whatever the origin of the rejection of the dentist, it is important not to let ourselves be invaded by fear and reach the point where it prevents us from going to our dentist.

Avoiding check-ups or necessary treatments can be very detrimental to our oral health.

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Problems derived from dental phobia or odontophobia
People who do not go regularly to their dental check-ups are seriously compromising their oral health, but also their general health.

The fact is that the mouth is a gateway to the rest of the body, so it is related to other pathologies and diseases.

Thus, periodontal diseases negatively affect diabetes, pregnant women and people with heart problems.

Therefore, ignoring check-ups with the dentist goes beyond the aesthetic deterioration of the smile or tooth loss.

Fear of the dentist cannot be an impediment to take care of your oral health and stop you from going to the recommended check-ups.

7 tips to overcome your fear of the dentist
If you are one of those people who are afraid of the dentist, we are going to give you a series of tips and guidelines to make your visit to the clinic more pleasant.

1. Find out about fear-fighting procedures
Years ago, when technology and dental instruments were not fully developed, it was logical to be afraid of the dentist.

However, with the advances made in recent years, we now have very advanced tactics to ensure the patient’s peace of mind.

One of the techniques that promotes total relaxation is conscious sedation, which avoids episodes of stress and anxiety.

In addition, it can be used in any treatment at the patient’s request, although it is most commonly used in implant surgery.

2. Discuss your concerns with the dentist
Before starting any treatment, it is essential that you have an appointment with the dentist who is going to carry it out.

In this way, he/she will be able to offer you an explanation of your diagnosis and the treatment to be performed so that you do not go home with unresolved doubts.

It is essential that you take advantage of this appointment to convey your fears, because not only will you reduce your uncertainty, but you will also be better prepared to face any procedure.

If pain is the aspect that worries you the most, the dentist will explain all the methods available to avoid it, depending on the treatment to be performed.

At DrAW Dental Clinic we treat patients with this type of phobia on a daily basis, so we deal with similar situations.

For this reason, we can say that we are used to dealing with this type of situation and that we strive to offer maximum understanding and confidence.

Managing fear of the dentist
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3. The time of the appointment also has an influence
Avoid, as much as possible, spending the whole day thinking about the fact that you have an appointment.

To do this, it is very useful to go to the clinic first thing in the morning, so that you can get it out of your mind as soon as possible.

4. Ask about the possibility of taking medication to relax.
If you think it will help, we encourage you to ask your dentist if you can take some kind of medication to calm your nerves.

However, we remind you not to take any medication without consulting your doctor or dentist.

5. In the waiting room… don’t just wait
The moments before you enter the specialist’s office can be the most tense.

Therefore, our recommendation is that you try to do something to divert your attention: listen to music, read, look at your cell phone….

In short, opt for any alternative to keep your mind busy.

To help you get your mind off things, in the DrAW Dental Clinic waiting room we have wifi, magazines and a Play Station 4.

It is also very useful to bring a companion to help you entertain yourself.

Trust your specialist
If you are afraid of the dentist, we recommend that you visit several dentists, discuss your concerns with them and see if they are patient, approachable and friendly enough to treat patients with odontophobia.

6. Learn relaxation techniques
You can also take advantage of the waiting time by doing mental relaxation exercises, so that when it’s your turn you feel confident enough.

Once in the dentist’s chair, concentrate on breathing deeply and slowly, thinking of something pleasant.

In order to achieve total peace of mind for our patients, DrAW Dental Clinic cabinets incorporate a television where we watch all kinds of documentaries and videos.

7. Agree on a gesture with the dentist if you feel pain.
Knowing that there is a gesture by which the dentist will stop what he/she is doing gives you a lot of security and will help you control your fear of the dentist.

It is very useful, for example, to raise your arm if you feel discomfort or pain.

It is a good way to avoid making sudden movements and, in this way, the specialist knows to give you a moment to rest.

Close contact with the patient
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What should be the first contact with the dentist?
If you have to undergo a treatment that gives you some fear, it is very beneficial to have a first contact with the dental clinic by having a minor procedure done.

For example, you have the option of requesting a professional dental hygiene so that you can get to know the professionals and the facilities a little better.

This way, you will have more confidence to go to the next session.

It is advisable to have this type of treatment at least once a year -if your oral health is in optimal conditions-, so it is not a bad idea to ask for it.

It is also essential that you choose competent dentists who are close to you and who understand you, as this will make it easier for you to put yourself in their hands.

Whether you are looking for an orthodontist, a periodontist or any other specialist in dentistry, it is important that they are sensitive to your fears and make an effort to put you at ease.

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